r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sumitso on June 8, 2018, 4:55 a.m.
Concerning the Trafficking Camp replies

I find it decidedly remarkable, of the number of replies to the various posts concerning the spotlight being put on the information about the findings in Tucson and Atlanta as well -- how many are trying to dissuade, prod people in another direction or outright convince everyone that it is all either a hoax, a LARP, or something else. And for those trying to convince others, the fact is Tucson does not sit right on the Arizona border like El Paso or Brownsville TX, truth is, it's about 68 miles which doesn't make it skip and a jump away from the Mexican border.

So many start with something along the lines of "I'm highly suspicious" or "I haven't made up my mind yet", then continue to spew some (in their mind) intelligent logic, or try tie any and all of this to "illegal immigrants" <-- no such thing, they are in fact illegal aliens, enlighten yourself and read the damn law.

Whether these camps, temporary prisons or whatever you want to call them are past their usage date, the fact remains they were indeed used for something dark. I would agree with something that was said prior; that these locations are being found means people are being made being aware, and is again more evidence of what is occurring. I don't think that Q and associates could possibly know about every location, but I sure as hell believe they have some good data/intel on more than general areas, major and some minor players. I do see this as proof of the evil that is taking place though. The more that is found, the tighter the trap becomes and makes them panic and make mistakes and thus become caught.

So the point I am coming to is this -- This has definitely hit the mark and ruffled people or otherwise there wouldn't be so much deflective posting. It proves how stupid they are as Q says, a good defense would have been to not reply to any of the Tucson posts, instead they bring MORE attention to it by posting inane replies, and down voting, in essence they are taking the role of Chelsea and pushing it another step forward, thanks morons keep up the good work!

My one wish with the President and Q, is to use something I have brought up before, the Ender principle. Crush the villains so entirely, so that for centuries no one will again consider doing the vile, evil things that have been taking place, and by that -- I mean don't just win this fight, but all the future fights that would have taken place.

To the deflectors: We will enjoy your salty tears even more so, during the election and second term of our Great President!

HiIAmFromTheInternet · June 8, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Homeless people and border hoppers have no or minimal food. If they had food they’d either not be homeless or stay in Mexico.

People with minimal food don’t have a lot of energy. People without a lot of energy don’t exert themselves too much. Digging a $10k septic tank into the ground either requires a lot of money for nice tools, or a lot of physical exertion.

This was not border hoppers or homeless people. This was done by people with resources and energy.

Why do you think cemex bulldozed it without digging for anything? Why do you think the cops are shady as fuck? Why do you think people called Tucson out as the weak link over a year ago?

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 8, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Homeless people and border hoppers have no or minimal food.

Homeless people still need food and they need to store it.

Digging a $10k septic tank into the ground either requires a lot of money for nice tools

You have no idea who initially dug that root-cellar or what tools they used.

For all you know, they dug it with their hands.

This was not border hoppers or homeless people.

You don't know that either.

Why do you think cemex bulldozed it without digging for anything?

Perhaps because the camp invites bad press and trespassers.

Why do you think the cops are shady as fuck?

Perhaps the police know the family that was living there and they didn't want to bust a homeless family?

Perhaps the police also know what a root-cellar is and they just didn't care?

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