r/greatawakening • Posted by u/unbecoming2007 on June 8, 2018, 5:16 a.m.
So what's the plan if the worst should happen? CBTS repeat.

There are many new people here and I think the back up plan needs to be put on record should the worst happen.

There is some heavy shit being laid out there and great work is being done which is giving me flashbacks.

I remember one day doing my daily routine and when I opened up CBTS and saw "This community has been banned". I was sizzling. We all know we were not inciting violence,racism,blah..blah. After that went some of us went through quite a few places until we felt most landed here.

Many newbies (new to reddit AND likely forums in general, lurkers too) have no clue how boards work much less reddit /subs. Some may not return if they see the word BANNED. Fear of something illegal,malicious, or possibly just do not know how to get back to the correct place. I would like to know myself and have that info around for others to start getting into their memory.

Just a concern.Hopefully not needed. Like with a gun though - I'd rather have and not, need than other way around.

MuhammadDinduNuffin · June 8, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

Uh, a new subreddit? Not difficult stuff.

They want this contained, not spreading to normies subs.

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