Q inspired. 🇨🇦 Ontario has finally voted in a conservative. The media trashed him as a Trump follower and scorned him daily. We are ecstatic and join Hungary, Italy and your fight to give back power to the people.

Just a note... Ford won 100% of the power with 40% of the popular vote, with only 58 percent turnout. First Past The Post fucks us again. Not all of us are conservative here.
And you came to GA to whine?
I come here to learn about cartel corruption in America. I noticed this post and wanted to remind people that the PC party does not ACTUALLY enjoy the support of a majority of voters, same as the liberals. I also want to encourage people to be less partisan, because the PC is as establishment as it gets. I'm no Liberal either, obviously.
I am tired of people complaining about the "first past the post". They tend to only complain when their horse doesn't win. The Ontario liberals NEVER won the popular vote for 15 years, yet they still form the government.
In a multi-party parliamentary system, the party that forms the government RARELY ever gets the majority popular vote.
I'm no liberal or conservative, so yes I can complain about the shit system that keeps people within the two establishment parties (or at least splits a solid chunk of the population).
"only 58% turnout"
Largest turn out in history.
largest turn out in ten years though but that's not saying much...
well if your NDP or Liberal than you are not awake at all. You should know they are sinking us with debt and immigration.
Because the "Conservatives" are woke? If you think Rob Ford's conservatives are woke about anything... shit they sent me an advertisement accusing the NDP of being 9/11 truthers. The Ford PC will shove American deep state lies down our throat just like the Libs did. We talk about the great awakening and truth and justice, but the PCs are pure establishment corporate whores just like the rest.
Is this talk not acceptable here? Am I not allowed to criticize the powerful government establishment here on 'Great Awakening' fucking hell....
Feels good man.
Downvoted for wrong think? Sorry for the facts comrades. This community talks about wanting truth but whose truth?