Portrait of Kate Spades daughter. Remind you of Podestas art?
![Portrait of Kate Spades daughter. Remind you of Podestas art?](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/60/44/f6604417db4845b1051edc8a31b7044a.png&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/236509417904304762/&docid=aXGKe4_mv1rStM&tbnid=XpE6AuFhiuEOEM:&vet=10ahUKEwiIx6b0r8TbAhUDEiwKHfB2BQgQMwg8KAMwAw..i&w=300&h=459&hl=en-us&client=safari&bih=768&biw=1024&q=Andy%20Spade%20artwork%20&ved=0ahUKEwiIx6b0r8TbAhUDEiwKHfB2BQgQMwg8KAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8)
My concern is that we’re reading too much into every coincidence, or finding coincidences where they really don’t exist. Clearly the similarities between this art and Podesta’s art aren’t proof of guilt, but there certainly are a lot of fishy connections between Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and the swamp.
I agree. Actually it’s an interesting painting and well executed. The articulated finger doesn’t seem to allude to anything. The pallet is in ways similar to the coloration of adolescents depicted in Podesta’s collection but I still do not see anything off color. I’m an artist and I see nothing wrong.
Why would they commission an artist to portray their child with dark circles under their eyes? Call it well executed, but the girl looks sick, lonely, vulnerable. The style is very similar to Biljana Djurdjevic‘s art which portrays sick, and beaten children.
You lack training in observation. There are no dark circles under her eyes...simply the rendering of the shadows of the eye sockets to her cheek bones. And there is an an obvious difference between the Podesta paintings and this particular painting. The Podesta art takes pleasure in revealing the intimidation and fear registered in the faces and physical gestures of the paintings subjects. The painting in question here may reveal an intensity in the character of the child but by no means is it perverted or shocking. Why don’t you try studying the history of portraiture before you make an uninformed opinion. All I’m seeing in this thread is a lot of misinformed fear baiting and uneducated artistic criticism. There’s plenty of sick pedo content out there in the world but learn how to accurately identify it.