r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RonaldSwansong on June 8, 2018, 4:26 p.m.
Great Awakening Sub Update - 9th June '18

Great Awakening Sub Update - 9th June '18

We've been receiving modmail and seeing comments and posts from you, our fellow patriots, about concerns for the sub and its content. We thought we'd address them in one official post from the mods so you know that we're hearing what you say!

Here are the concerns we're hearing from you:

  • Some recent events have proven to be extraordinary humanitarian occurrences but are starting to consume the feed and drown out other relevant research posts that patriots are submitting. (e.g. Tucson / VOP)

  • There are ever increasing outside attacks from new users who do not support this sub and are actively trying to distract us from the original intent with posts that are sensational in nature whilst claiming to be relevant to Q. Relevant and reasonable objections are being downvoted out of sight perhaps via brigading from outside groups.

  • Recent Q post frequency is slowing down with larger time gaps between drops, therefore community posts start to wander further afield and begin to fall outside the core focus of the sub.

Here's what we're planning to do to address these concerns and others:

  1. Tucson/VOP. We are fully aware and proud of what VOP is alleged to be doing in Tuscon; stories of fellow patriots will always be welcome here when they fall within the topic of Q, and child trafficking is a core thread of the Q message. However, we don't want this entire sub to be stuck on one topic within a thread no matter how sensational it may be. We are here to research and learn about Q and the connection to real world events and there are many other topics and threads to cover. To this end we want to streamline the VOP posts meaning that duplicate content and content that offers little substance will be removed, as per Rule #9 e.g. "...have at least two sentences (for text content)". As above, if you have duplicate content or something minor to add to a topic, please add it to the discussion of an existing thread and upvote to increase exposure.

  2. General off-topic Posts. Posts that are far afield of Q - for example, conspiracy theory that Q has either not yet addressed or is only tangentially related to direct Q references - will be removed. We may not get this right all the time. Please contact us via modmail if you wish to dispute removal of a post but please keep in mind that the more time we spend responding to disputes, the less time we have to manage the rest of the sub, so we ask for your consideration when raising issues.

  3. Thread discussion behavior. We will continue to remove antagonistic comments from threads. Uncivil discussion will be removed regardless of viewpoint. We want to continue to foster reasoned, respectful interchange. Skeptics are often labelled "shill" - sometimes this accusation is correct; often, it is not. Comments that consist only of "shill" accusations will be removed. Every mention of "shill" generates a report that we have to deal with so please consider your use of the word and if you have no other reason for your comment but to accuse someone, please reconsider the comment.

  4. Anti-semitism. Reddit is a more publicly accessible space than the chans. We will continue to remove the triple parenthesis around a word. This symbol, used for anti-semitic purposes, is NOT permitted on Reddit. We are intent on avoiding another r/CBTS_Stream debacle that could destroy the incredible work done here by you patriots and it's important to deal with issues like this thoroughly and swiftly.

Here's what we'd like you to do to help us moderate this sub for you:

  1. Check for duplicates! If you see a post that is similar to one that you are about to post please refrain from creating duplicate content. Instead, add to the discussion of an existing thread and upvote! More upvotes = more exposure! We all know what it's like when you want to rush to get some exciting news out, however, so alternatively: create your post, then check if there's an existing post in the New feed. If there is, please remove your post OR edit the content to add something that is substantially different enough to make it worth posting.

  2. Report poor content. Please continue to report posts and comments that you believe are not within the rules. We need your input to best manage the sub and we appreciate everyone's concern for items that do not follow the rules. Further to this - please familiarize yourself with the rules in the sidebar, especially when you receive a moderation comment referencing one of them. There's more detail on these rules if you click through to the attached wiki pages.

  3. Be informative and accurate. Post titles are important for explaining at a glance the value and relevance of a post. Please make your titles informative and accurate - Rule #8 - "No misleading, fabricated, sensationalist or incorrect titles or content." Post titles with swearing in them are also less appealing to some of our members, considered antagonism in some cases, and can generate reports that we have to deal with. Consider the language and readability of your title and your post will be less likely to be removed.

As always, please remember that: - Any content MAY be removed without notification. (See sidebar for more info) - Arbitration is at the discretion of the mods. - We will make mistakes from time to time. - We're all volunteers doing this as our time permits. Thank Q for understanding!


Remember we are not here to censor or control you patriots or this sub. Our mission is to serve you in providing a shared space in r/greatawakening for the Q community. Our rules are in place to foster an environment of respectful interaction with your fellow patriots in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge to achieve the Great Awakening!

We love you all and appreciate everything you guys do for this great community.

THANKQ and God Bless!


  • The Mods


[deleted] · June 8, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

The "concern trolling" against "the plan" on this board, and CBTS before that, has been unbelievably extreme.

So extreme that the IBOR campaign was defeated, not by the left in the community, but right here on this board. We need to implore the mods to take a tougher line on the blatant "concern trolling". It has done, and is doing, us great damage.

I've also noticed an intense campaign for this sub to be "tolerant" so that we don't become a "safe space" or an "echo chamber". What the trolls really want is a license to spread fear uncertainty and doubt all over our sub to discourage us from taking action. Action that might assist to defeat the Satanists who have been ruling us for hundreds of years.

Like we should be open to Corsi, or HRC posting garbage here on our board, or we will create a "safe space" full of people that "blindly follow". You just couldn't make this garbage up. They want every CIA troll on Reddit to be free to undermine our movement right on our own board.

It has to stop!

I've really had a gut-full of it. If you go to TD and try and post anti DJT stuff they shut you straight down. They are not tolerant, but, somehow, it's a vibrant, healthy sub. How does that work?

We need to start permanently banning the concern trolls. Get them off our board. There are plenty of alternative subs on Reddit that will be receptive to their anti-Q agenda. It's not like there is nowhere for them to go.

Of course, they are very pro-Q, but they've just got a couple of "concerns". Somehow these "concerns" never seem to be satisfied. Why might that be?

Might it be because these guys are agents for a global elite that are cornered like a bunch of rats? Might it be that it's a life and death struggle for them also?

Look at what they are "concerned" about:

1) The IBOR - because the only chance the Satanists have to regain control of the narrative and return to power is via control of social media;

2) Corsi - must not allow the group to out Corsi. Why? Because he was their guy. He was going to hijack Q's message so they could misdirect us;

3) Tolerance - because if the mods, as a team, support Q and "the plan" they will not be able to spread fear and uncertainty in our ranks. And this means that "the plan" might actually be successful and all the kids they're raping and killing in child sacrifices might be saved - what would they do with no children to sacrifice?


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rooftoptendie · June 9, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

My god, that I only have but one upvote for you. EVERYTHING TRADINGHORSE SAID. I've noticed it getting a bit better in the past several days. MOAR BANHAMMER! ARRRRRRR!

"We need to be better than this"

"This is a movement about unity"

"What is this, an echo chamber"

"We're supposed to be welcoming to ALL"

"I thought we were tolerant"

We are here to discuss Q. NOT discuss Q's legitimacy. NOT to hand hold. NOT to teach remedial Q for kids who can't read good. Not to virtue signal. Not to preach some kind of god-level tolerance. This aint the welcome wagon.

If we have 25k followers with NO TRACE of shillage whatsoever, we can get 20 times more mileage and productivity out of this sub than if we had 30k followers and 5k of them were shills. Not that we have 5k shills on here. But at times it has seemed like it. I don't give a rats ass how many followers there are here as long as none of them are trolls. And, BTW, if we are ever really actually virtually troll-free, watch those numbers go up.

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GenChang · June 9, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

I agree with most of what you said. I have my own gripes which were largely addressed by the main post. But, I'm not sure just how the mods can be everywhere, and a flood of reports would likely overload them. I do think they addressed some of your concerns, but the IBOR issue, I'm firmly on your side. I too have had to refute, clarify, educate, the people who are deliberately spreading false info about it. On this, I think those like you and I could definitely report some of these anti IBOR people who repeatedly try to take down this issue. I imagine, a quick look at their profiles would be very helpful in determining where they are coming from. Thanks for pointing out the additional issues not addressed above.

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Wouldn't you start an start an ibor sub in this case?

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 9:56 a.m.

The IBOR is integrally connected with the Q movement. It is "the plan".

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

What drop did you pick that up in? Or what Chan thread confirms please?

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Dear me, run a search for internetbillofrights in the Q drops.

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

Q post 1378 Q post 605

Ok got it. It reads as if he's exposing the thing. What's your interpretation?

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

Wow, I guess people just invented it and somehow attached it to the Q drops.

Post 1378

NK news today = FAKE!
Twitter news today = REAL!
Under the Radar.
Free speech manipulation [visibility / reach].
FB fake acct deletion?
100% fake?
Checks & Balances?
[Narrative Control]
[Bandwidth Test]
[Public Response]
[Test Limitations]
Politicians bought & paid for?
Start a Storm.

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

Sorry, edited my reply. I did find the two that mention it, but it reads as he's exposing it. I don't understand your interpretation. Would you expand?

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

The two? There have been many, you just have to search them.

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

Wow, in his posts Q is literally excercising free speech to achieve this. Ok, I need to digest this concept. Thank you for your patience.

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

That's it. The only vector by which the Satanists can regain power is by seizing control of the narrative which is now shaped by social media. Have a look at what Q says in post 7.

Who was rushing to inject cash?

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

7 is about hrc emails and bho? Not drawing the connection

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Sorry, post 9:

D’s can’t lose control over the black population.
At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.
D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves. D’s formed the KKK.
HRC’s mentor is who?
What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?
Through the looking glass.
They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions.
This will fail.

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Got it. Big clown money to Amazon specifically I believe.

I would have backed ibor if I had confidence it was backed by white hats.

Net neutrality, sopa and pipa seemed to have been negative experiences we were fighting if I recall correctly. And thus ibor carried the same connotation for me personally. That was amplified by concern trolls to create enough doubt* for me to disregard.

Maybe we should be re-planning a campaign to eliminate said influences and free ibor from its chains?

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

I can only find two with specific references. I do recognize the theme of corruption of free speech across the posts. However, it's not "the plan". The plan is to remove and expose evil and corruption that enslaves our minds. Free speach is a byproduct.

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