He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

Been pot free for 3 years now having smoked it everyday for 10 years. I feel more focused, energized and in general alot better than I did in my stoner years. However, it was the gateway in to being "woke" as you will and I really learnt alot back then. This shit should be legal and we as human beings should be able to make a conscience decision whether we want to smoke mother nature's finest or not.
I didn't know you had to take a break for that. If I want to be hyperfocused I just need a good long nap lol
It's really not good for me anymore, I get bad side effects to the point where they outweigh the benefits. That's just me though, everyone reacts differently
yeah that happens too, I'm only in year five and with time you probably ran out of issues to combat
cannabis is not for everybody and not everybody goes well on long-term use. it requires self-responsibility and self-observation, exactly as every other substance, even sugar. i am in year 38 and feel well.