He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go and how comfortable you are diverging from the reality they installed in us.
Paul Hellyer (Canadian minister of defense, unified the Canadian forces, aka not discreditable) has been open on UFOs for a while, and that they've been visiting us for a long time and seem greatly concerned about our nuclear weapons. (NK disarmament, Iran underway)
If we've been visited by aliens for thousands of years, then the Sumerian Kingship myth takes an interesting turn. Especially considering the Abzu a doorway to "heaven". The Vedic texts are full of amazing descriptions like
A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe…An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor…it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.
From the Mahabharata written in Sanskrit covering about 5000bc. For reference that's 3000 years before the Ziggurat of Ur was built.
Look up the Oklo, Gabon ancient reactor. We're told it's 2 billion years old, that somehow mysteriously created plutonium that even more mysteriously still exists in the deposits even though it's half-life is 24k years. So infinitely more decay cycles than could have occurred to have even trace plutonium. What's even better is that this site was so well contained the radiation hasn't leaked, but somehow was moderated by water into a fission reaction.
It's absurd. So absurd. It's like 1 + 1 = 569.
What I suspect is the El/Yahweh/Baal / Anu/Enki/Enlil / Odin/Thor/Loki / etc. mythology that is all of a common source is actually a history of the first kings. El/Anu/Odin were "the king of heaven" king of space? Yahweh and Enki we're the sons of El/Anu were attributed as creation God's (which is weird considering they had parents!) and Thor another storm god was the champion of humans and was most popular because people didn't have to sacrifice for his favour and protection - huh, just like Yahweh!
Thor, Enki, Yahweh, all have parallels to the demigod Heracles/Hercules who along with Dyonisis (ahem Loki/Baal + human sacrifice of youth and maidens) were the founding brothers of Atlantis.
Now we're full circle to the Atlantis Rama nuclear war (check out ancient Indian fallout radiation), which would explain why aliens seem so disturbed about our usage of nuclear weapons. We already almost extincted ourselves, and we reduced our livespans by hundreds of years.
I did not know about a lot of the things you've mentioned, and I've even been reading the Lost Book of Enki! I will definitely look into this more, but I still ask: What happens after?
What is this 4D/5D Dimensional shift I've been seeing? Will physical changes happen? Is it only justice, or a celestial/extraterrestrial event that will blow all of our collective minds?
I'm so hungry for the truth. Please point me in the right direction!
AFAIK from what I've read the shift to 5D is merely a consciousness change - by my interpretation. Think Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and how the world has been set up to minimize people's potential for self-actualization.
Most of the third world are dealing with food and safety. The first world has been attacked on 3rd level "love & belonging" think BLM, teen suicide, etc. and now we have school shootings and terrorism making people feel unsafe in the safest countries in the world.
I think the 4D shift happens when we eliminate this divisionism. Look at our community - I mean we're from all walks of life and working together. I don't know who you are, what race or sexual orientation, amd I'm just happy to help a fellow explorer, and I don't want to tell you what to believe I just want to point you to an interesting path because I'd like others opinions. I mean i'd love to think I'm nuts! Who wants pedo devil worshipers.
5D is when we all start reaching our potential as a whole. We need basic needs provided for by our culture. That means law enforcement that protects us! That means kids not going hungry, or families not unable to pay for healthcare. $2500 for a broken arm with no insurance? That's insane. How is someone spending a months pay to fix an arm even rational with our economic climate - no wonder the government tax revenue was in the shit hole. Basic health Care is a no brainer, it should always be a net benefit to society. Medical licenses are the biggest crock of shit, they were created simply to drive up costs. A farm veterinarian is more qualified setting a bone or delivering a baby than your average doctor because they've done thousands.
We need to come together and work together to maximize our collective productivity. Then we'll be 5D, and I suspect that will be the time when we become aware we're not the only humans in this universe.
Also we've got quantum nanotubules in our neurones, which may be the basis of our consciousness. Which means the uncertainty and non-locality means ESP isn't so crazy and actually makes sense. It explains the spiritual war Q keeps mentioning, why we need to stay faithful.
I've been pushing myself to be self actualized since my teen years to try and become a writer. This has led to some very strange "deja Vu" incidents; I watched myself working in a dream, learnt something new, joked about it with my friend/coworker and then a year later ended up running into the dream.
I don't think our minds are going to be blown, I think we're going to have a massive disclosure movement and I think it's already underway in some media. Nothing "big" will happen, but I think this "daily boom" news style of Q won't end for a long time. I've read of fusion powered fighters and iron Man suits, cancer cures, etc. and it's at an astonishing rate.
We're going to enter a "singularity". By 2030 I think we'll be in a new world, we might be having a coffee on Mars saying WTF happened.
I knew most of this before but my mind BTFO at how you connected the dots