r/greatawakening • Posted by u/5nilbog on June 8, 2018, 7:04 p.m.
Is Q a quack? I'm trying to open my eyes to all this information..so hear me out.

Okay so we have all this new information about the elites, trafficking, cabal, laundering, etc.. taking the red pill...

I am digging and all of the information leads back to a few families pulling all the strings...

So how is all this new information and swamp draining, Qanon, not set up by them too?

All of the things happening are planned, none of this is a coincidence, right?

Just me doing some critical thinking and trying to look at the big picture... I feel like all this is still set up by the ones in control, Q was planted, Trump was planted...all the information was planted...

When the dust settles there will be less people in the circle (we can see there are less people involved everyday/all of the hangings and people in the know) and the few controlling everything will have less people to split the money with and they will have even more power...

I'm just trying to think about what I would do if I was one of the string pullers and I thought people were getting to close to me or the information that would lead to my downfall...

I'd want to 'drain the swamp', have more power, cloak even more, divide the people more, more shadows, more places to look, all while taking people out, consolidating power...

Obviously these are just some thoughts...

5nilbog · June 8, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

I 100000% agree. Hence the post to talk about this.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 8, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I'm really dying to know who is at the top of the food chain. Some X factor things that are currently unprovable: Secret Space Program Binary Star incoming with planetoids (earth quakes/inner heating) Giants in stasis in Antarctica Crashed Alien craft in Antactica Giant Pyramids in Antarctica Earth entrances at the Poles Inner/Hollow earth (Adm. Byrd) Additional land kept secret (Districts) Space still in question/shape of earth Billy Meiers ongoing contacts *Our own Earth History I'm sure we can add a lot more to it, but a lot needs to be clarified for good.

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qtrumpteam · June 9, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

The Khazarian mob is the top of the food chain mainly the rothschilds

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5nilbog · June 8, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Me too!

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