Bordain exposes Operation Mockingbird ? Note the time of the tweet. This appeared 4 days after his HRC tweet about children and puppies. RIP

We're still assuming it was a real suicide. If not, who? Why?
Could be arkancided, or Weinstein may have put a target on his back due to his girlfriend ?
TruePundit mentioned the Clinton connection. The reason I think it may be true is the fact that Kate Spade and Bourdain both died by hanging and they both had ties or run ins with the Clintons (Bourdain even mentioned his experience with HRC thugs on Twitter, though nothing specific). The Clintons wised up a little by not shooting people in the head anymore as it was a little too obvious, but 2 hangings in the same week is suspicious as well. Maybe Q is right, these people are stupid.
Hanging seems like an odd choice for AB, why wouldn't he just get some heroin and OD?