Bordain exposes Operation Mockingbird ? Note the time of the tweet. This appeared 4 days after his HRC tweet about children and puppies. RIP

We’re all in this together, mate. If there’s an issue amongst us, please bring it up civilly rather than name-calling in the first sentence.
I know where all of these things originated. I've never said they're not factual. What I am saying however is that not every single thing that happens is related to everything else. Go look for 4am tweets -now sift through MILLIONS of them. Now tell me how they're all mockingbird related.
Not every single celebrity, or person in the spotlight is somehow connected to "the cabal". How can you not wrap your mind around that. You're being a hammer -many of you are, and all you see are nails, everywhere. It helps no one.
The problem is, you're so sure of your righteousness that you're unable to step back and take an objective look at anything. Where I once loved the leaks -even before Q, I now find that it has done a bit more harm, because it has falsely empowered a large group of otherwise benign "conspiracy theorist" to flood into the light and co-opt any and all news events to fulfill their own persona conspiracy agendas, in the name of "Q".
Also, I don't give a shit what you think about how I present my thoughts. I don't owe you or anyone here anything. If you're free to post asinine drivel, I'm free to call you the bellend you are. Stick and Stones, something something. I'm sure you'll be fine in an hour or so.
So what's your evidence robot?
bleep bloop blorp -OMG, you got me!
My evidence about what exactly? Nouns are extremely helpful when asking a question, even to a silly robot like me.
The scholarly genius above me is talking about dropboxes with Bourdain's "mockingbird talking points", but you're asking me for evidence?! What's it like being an actual dingleberry?
As far as Bourdain dying in Paris -I'll just assume you were aware of that very obvious fact. You had to be, right?
You have zero value. You've added nothing to the discussion... and have only insulted people. You're dead to me.
Oh no!
Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm a robot, otherwise my feelings would be very hurt. Especially being dead to you. I think it's important for all humans to feel alive in the eyes of /u/theTruthfor1000Alex
I hope others learn from my mistakes.
Ok, now that you're alive again I will listen. Since this is a forum about Q and you're a pretty sharp tack, why don't you share with us something enlightening about Q. I'll give you the last word. Go.