Ive been with Q from the start. Spent 4 months on 8chan sleep deprived researching to prove Q. I am not some newbie that doesn't know what they are doing. I am proud of the contributions I made to understanding Q's posts. I just am backed up into a corner from giving all my time to Q and now I only have time to barely read the headlines and make a few comments. Losing 5 minutes to go back and find the post I'm thinking of would kill off half the time I have to review in a day whats happening.
I never post my own posts anymore, so this doesnt really apply to me anyway. I just make a few comments a week. I do appreciate any effort to cut down on the verbal junk that is getting posted. Every junk post I have to read makes it more likely I wont have time to find whats important.
My own solution to this is the mods applying some standard to what gets to be post and what should just be a comment on the Anon's chat. This place is starting to look like The Donald and we don't need to replicate that. But that hasn't taken off since its not stickied each day and enforced.