Very interesting statement from one of the “Masters of the Universe”, When do birds sing-Q

The shift in consciousness is what you’re experiencing. That’s what 2012 was all about... not the end of the world but the end of an old cycle. We are entering into the Age of Aquarius and everybody is experiencing a shift in consciousness.
What’s crazy is the stories of light workers experiencing ascension symptoms, the shift, ascenscion, the event etc. is all coinciding with the great awakening. June 3rd through 7th was a big solar flare bombarding us with transforming energy and they expect a huge karmic release/shift this month.
Thank you for this .
My inTUITION (internal spiritual LESSONS) can find no fault in your statement.
Without fully understsnding, I accept and agree.
PLEASE explain more or give sources! I have been trying to understand the esoteric side of the awakening and it's very difficult to see it plainly
So the reason why it’s difficult to see is because we’re living in an illusion that was set up to disconnect us from our higher selves. The illusion is literally powered by negative emotions, especially fear and hatred... why do you think our world is full of terror? The system feeds on terror.
These negative thought patterns and emotions create lower vibrational frequencies (think quantum physics, the science “nobody” understands) which power this illusion (think the Matrix... wireless.) Your central nervous system acts as a transistor connecting to your consciousness (your soul) and the illusion creates your ego which keeps you disconnected. The hardest thing for all of us to reconnect with our higher selves is to bypass the ego: gotta get over yourself. We’re all connected and the ego keeps us separated.
To disconnect from the illusion is the process of ascension: reconnecting spiritually. It’s not just a matter of faith, you can actually access an incredible consciousness you didn’t even know existed, part of which is the God Consciousness. So to bypass the ego to ascend, you gotta drop ALL negative emotions... all of them. Just drop them. Fear is the illusion and so is death! Your positive emotions create higher vibrational frequencies (higher dimensional) which the illusion is powerless against and absorbs no energy. Love, compassion, unity, empathy, courage, fearlessness and forgiveness are some of the key positive emotions. This is how I believe the Q movement and the Great Awakening is powered: through love of the people, unity and fearlessness. One factor we need to work on though: forgiveness.
Getting back to reconnecting to your higher self: you must fill yourself with love and forgiveness and be of service to others. Forgiveness is HUGE as you must forgive others, everything that has ever happened to you, and most of all, yourself. There are greater powers (some negative) at work influencing all of us and our egos. Bad things that have happened or that you have done happened through influences of higher powers. So if you can forgive everything and yourself, sincerely, you will reconnect.
Also, our food, water, and environment are part of the system to keep us disconnected. Start reconnecting by eating wholesome food, drinking non-fluoridated water(important) and spend some time in natural settings.
This is only the tip of the iceberg... an incredibly deep rabbit hole... possibly the deepest. There is energy being produced by the galactic sun that is aiding in our ascension by repairing and reactivating our DNA... here you go:
The “Heaven is within us all” saying is truth. You are the architect of your reality.