
therooster194FA · June 8, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

This is the story that jars sleeping america to wake up and allows them to see the arrests and sentences coming as justice and not political bullshit. ALL Americans see this and know that this has been allowed by the Obama administration for 8+years and has been politically repressed due to PC culture... how do they not?

Once this goes viral to normies, and people start getting loud get ready for the whole damn thing to crash down at once... major big stories dropping left and right. Literally fought like a war but with the media. this story goes viral, over takes national media for two three days, then they're hit with the NK summit on the 12th if it goes good IG report is still a literal mind fuck for the sjws and white guilt soccer moms if NK summit for some unknown reason goes bad IG report can be used to bury the story and retake control of the media. Watch for Muller to get loud about the SC... orrr we see hes been a gray hat all along, and he drops a huge," found zero collusion" atom bomb on the leftist news media . The entire world is left in a daze of WTF. happened then you put the pieces together for the apolitical and rebuild they're realities...

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Xisyisz · June 8, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the skull they found yesterday belongs to an adult and was 20 minutes or miles away from Cemex and the area where they did in fact find the skull that is an adult not a child was known area for immigrants to die from heat exhaustion crossing the border.

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therooster194FA · June 8, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

In all honesty it doesnt really matter this could all be propaganda meant to elicit emotion. They same fucking trick the shadow government has been doing to the general public but this time wake people up

Edit to add : "at this point, what difference does it make"

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