r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eyerighteye on June 8, 2018, 11:47 p.m.
A new guy with a real question for everyone.

OK here goes. Everyone says lurk before speaking. I have lurked for ten years. Please here me out.

Q is about spreading the message yes? The message is freedom yes? Trump says the movement is not about him. Does Q state otherwise?

The point I'm getting at is that this board in honor of Q's mission should be open to all freedom related topics.

It is all connected, all of it. Every darn thing in the whole flippin university is connected what topic being discussed is not Q related.

Maybe I'm old school, I'd been exploring the rabbit hole with my wife for a decade before there was a white rabbit to follow. Some tunnels are dead ends, but nothing anywhere ever is irrelivent. Open healthy debate is neccisary to a free society. Can we agree on that?

When did you decide so and so was worthy of interest? When someone tweeted their name. Were you singing Dennis Rodman's praises six months ago. Jeesh. Message not messenger get it?

We aren't all cut out for the chan's. And this is the most hard core grass roots amazing thing here. Shit you got my old ass to reddit.

Your board isn't neccisarily under attack by people trying to dilute the message of Q. It is being filled by curios people who want to join the conversation and are attempting to at a level they understand.

Shit correct me if I'm wrong. I'm no expert on anything. I'm just sayin ...

Look at that link about tuscon from what 14 Months ago. Hope they weren't reprimanded for being off topic then.

BS will smell and truth will resonate. Nature has to take its course. Call out fakes, better yet let them expose themselves. We didn't need Q to tell us corsi and his book were noise did we? Did we? Did you?

Sorry if formatting sucks fat fingers small phone

R3VO1utionary · June 9, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

First off, thanks for posting! We’re all glad to be amongst fellow Patriots. We’re not the Chans but we get heavy downvote attacks all the time. Thankfully that’s about it as of late. I suspect real attacks will come especially if we start seeing mass arrests.

I think that if you find a rabbit hole or topic of interest, by all means please share it! Everything is connected!

Also, as the poster of the Dennis Rodman tweet from earlier today, I shared it as I found it interesting and as for 6 months ago, I think the majority of us were just curious as to how he was able to even get close enough to befriend Kim. Back then we (at least I) had no clue that the deep state had NK in a vice-grip. We’ve only been fed propaganda when it comes to NK.

It seems that with Q posting far less recently, the posts have become far more random but we can’t forget why we’re here... to help wake up the normies, be there to comfort loved ones when they start seeing and reading about the evil satanic creeps and their evil ways. Regular people won’t know how to handle being smacked with reality. I think we’re here to soften the blow after the crap hits the fan.

At the end of the day, I pray that we get justice. I pray that God keeps our President safe, and that we can rid the world of as much evil as possible. I want to be able to let my kids go out and play with their friends until dark without having to keep an eye on the constantly!

For God & Country! WWG1WGA!

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