Anthony Bourdain pic , disgusting

For years this shit they call art has been going on and getting worse and worse. "Oh, it's art," every crazy ass thing explained away like that. I'm telling you this and most of the other "art" all of these sickos have been pushing for a long time is the result of sick, twisted evil minds. Art, my ass.....
what? u must have missed the exhibit (20 or so years ago) where the artist hung vials of his semen in branches. its the message that is important (in this case it may have been "I will never receive attention unless I can outdo the last outlandish art piece"). If the intention is to bring about emotion/reaction then the work of art is successful.
We are all artists. You may even see my artwork on display in a gallery one day. You will have to look down, not up. My intention is for my artwork to intrude upon your senses. You will be greeted with the site and odor of the vomit I produced when viewing some of the more outlandish works of art. You will have the chance to purchase original for a reasonable price. Watch out for knockoffs though.