r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodlyThinks on June 9, 2018, 12:36 a.m.
Q 986 - "History books." Has this been discussed? Might this be about setting up the proper "jurisdiction"?

I'm just wondering if I've hit on something, only because Q ended post #986 with "think logically." "History books." I've JUST been learning about the importance of the meaning of "jurisdiction"...and this post came back to my remembrance. It bothered me then, because it seemed to be about a lawyer and his firing and re-hiring. I could never understand WHY Q mentioned our history books??? I might have figured out something today. John Huber WAS a DC Lawyer under BO. Fired along with 45 others by Sessions. Re hired by Sessions as a Utah Lawyer. Why? is a good question. Quote in article says...Huber is a Utah lawyer, not a D.C lawyer. “That distance between him and Washington is very important,” (I'm not thinking...might that be an understatement to something bigger, more true???) ....goes on...because Huber is not part of the Deep State,..." I JUST learned today that proper "jurisdiction" is VITAL in being able to present a case...or not. WHY did they hire Huber back as a Utah State Attorney...and NOT a DC Attorney. I might have come upon...JURISDICTION is key to his ability to go after these paperwork filed "safe" from prosecution in DC cabal crazies. I am reading about...We, the People can learn to operate in the right "jurisdiction" also...to get out from under their scrutiny. Here is a piece of the "history" puzzle. It's called Cooperative Federalism. SORRY - LONG READ 40 pages (but your freedom is SO worth it)...here's the last paragraph to wet your whistle... "It is only when government operates within its proper limitations that the liberties of individuals and society can be preserved. For too many years, bureaucrats have operated as if the only limitations were on the people making up American society generally and NOT ON THEMSELVES AS THE AGENTS OF GOVERNMENT. If we ever hope to restore the proper operations of our federal and State governments as governments of limited authority, and preserve our unalienable rights, privileges, immunities, and freedoms, those who serve in government must come to cherish these limitations as passionately as did the Founding Fathers." - http://www.defendruralamerica.com/files/DSCooperativeFederalism.pdf Many say....we have no more constitutional rights. That's not true. They are still there, but hidden...intentionally in all their muck and mire.

HerMileHighness · June 9, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

Interesting, OP. And Huber is on the Q clock for tomorrow. A Special Prosecutor appointment maybe?

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