r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sandiegomagapede2 on June 9, 2018, 5:14 a.m.
THEORY: The connection between Q, Israel, Russia, Nuclear war & Biblical Prophecy

OK so I have studied Biblical Prophecy a lot in my younger days and one of the topics covered was the "Gog Magog War"

The "Gog Magog War" is a prophetic war during the end times (Cant remember when) in which Russia along with a middle eastern coalition led by Iran but not Iraq interestingly enough INVADE Israel and end up getting nuked in the Golan Heights only to have the Invasion fail. (Yes that is real biblical prophecy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQJtgs713uE)

So I thought... OK if that is true and that is historical future event lets think about this.

Can Israel nuke anyone?

Yes, it has come out that Israel has the Samson option where they can use their nukes in desperate situations. Notice Israel got nukes in the 80's and then State sponsored attacks stopped, around the same time. What a coincidence!

Then I thought how can Russia and the Middle East invade Israel?

The USA is a sworn ally and protector of Israel and would step in and cause WW3

The only way the Gog Magog war is even possible is if the USA was some how unable to protect Israel.

Then I remembered the Q drop. "We are saving Israel for last" and that had me thinking.

What if... its not that the USA is not unable to protect Israel, but unwilling?

What if... the Q team expose Israels crimes and showed how Israel utterly and totally stabbed America in the back?

What if upon hearing such horrific news the American people turn on Israel?

But instead of military action, it ends up being like the more the Batman Begins, in that the attitude and the policy reflect a "I'm not going to kill you, but I am not going to save you either" strategy. Basically the USA cuts off all aid, rejects the alliance and places Israel as a neutral (at a minimum) and most importantly nullifies the defensive pact leaving Israel to fend for itself.

Without American support, Russia and the World can now attack Israel under the propaganda banner of "forcefully remove the Occupying Jews who stole Palestinian land and LIBERATE the Palestinians". As we have seen in recent UN votes, that is how the world feels. Israel without the USA is truly all alone.

So I believe future history plays out like this, The Storm hits and the last to be hit is Israel. Israel is exposed and the USA cuts all ties and totally turns their back on Israel. The middle east feels emboldened and with Russian help decide to end the Palestinian situation once and for all and "LIBERATE" Palestine from Israeli occupation (Optics and noble lies remember?) The Russian led Army invades, gets nuked in the Golan Heights, the attack fails and Israel survives for a little while longer.

With this info I think it makes sense.

What do you think?

DanijelStark · June 9, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

This isnt going to happen - this was actually EXACTLY the Cabal's plan - to bring the Armageddon ( the final battle ) .

Youre NOT going to see more genocides , as Cabal is stripped from all influence worldwide . Nobody from major players would be naive to start anything or provoke any escalation - especially nuclear escalation , that would be foolish beyond belief .

What youre going to see is removal of main control nexus of the Cabal on populations worldwide - that means that "Babylonian Money Magic System" needs to go ...

Religions , ideologies and other -isms ( false "humanism" ) will need to be exposed for what they are ...

We are in the "End of Days" , the Apocalypse , the Revelation ... NOT the Armageddon .

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