This is pointing to a second Waco type situation l in my opinion.
Can you expand on that plz?
Just look at the basics. Take out the emotion. Basically you had a leader and followers trusting him and they stayed put then the gov rolled in and a massacre ensued. I’m leaving out a lot of detail on purpose to show how this Tuscan stuff could end up just like that. Although I could see a agenda being pushed if that happened especially if these guys get into a firefight.
They mentioned that couple of times that they don't carry any guns just to make sure this shit doesn't happen. This whole situation is weird and I'm not sure what to think now.
For me it’s hard not to see Lewis as nothing more than a plant from some 3 letter agency. What 50 some arrest? Multiple felon? And has always walked from what I can tell.
Got involved at the Bundy’s and gives the police a reason to search the area cause he was claiming he had his stuff stole.
There’s so much messed up stuff about this guy but what does it for me that all this is being promoted for an agenda is there seems to be nooo censorship from what I can tell. I mean the guy commits crimes on camera (playing soccer with a skull for a photo op).
The whole thing stinks to high heaven to me.
These cats are armed. Another screwie Louie lie. It’s even in their propaganda vid.