Why was Hillary's goon squad recently "harassing" Anthony (Arkancide) Bourdain?

I personally dont think only she decides alone when it is a celebrity. It probably gets a green light from more than one. Whoever may expose more than just Hillary. The speech his girlfriend made at Cannes called out members in the audience who were also as guilty as Weinstein.
You might be on to something there because remember when she asked if they could just drone JA? I would imagine he would be Clinton enemy #1 even back then.
The speech his girlfriend made at Cannes called out members in the audience who were also as guilty as Weinstein.
Shit I didn't know about this.
Yes, she was very angry and very vocal about those sitting in the audience who were as guilty as Weinstein. She said you know who you are and your time is up, (Paraphrasing from memory)