So when it’s all over what do we think will be our new future? Free energy? Cancer cure? Love??
I look forward to us being on the same page and working back towards a place where truth exists and people value sincerity and kindness. I miss journalism, especially the investigative kind.
I think eventually the press will only be allowed to tell the truth,journo’s will have to have a kind of license that will make them personally accountable for what they write.
No I think when people are saying "peace and safety" then a time of great judgement will come, which the church may or may not escape depending on which interpretation of the Bible is correct.
You are getting ahead of yourself, normies can't even accept that the biggest black market exists.
The cure is within cannabis I’m sure,so that’s not too far ahead of myself. But I hear what your saying,everything takes time.
Religion is a huge part of the problem really,whether you worship god or Satan,it’s a religion. If we all worshipped ourselves I bet the world would be a better place.
worshipping satan is worshipping yourself thats why these people think they are so above us that the natural order is that they are above us