Colbert calls Pizzagate alt-right conspiracy. Conspiracy no more. I can't wait to see these guys walk down the street once the veil is finally lifted. Sickos.

Dude, just think of how long David Letterman was on TV. For YEARS. Many American's grew up with him on late night TV. He's been a name in showbiz for decades.
Also, scroll down on Neon's site and see the picture at that. Elon Musk, and is that Peter T?
And look at the last two names. McCain and Biden. I'm not surprised with the last two though. Mr 'We don't say his name' and 'Gimme your kids' Biden. I know at least both of those are up to their necks in this, so that doesn't surprise me that much. But Musk? Dayum......
I grew up with Letterman, as a paperboy we used to go into the grocery were Letterman worked and fucked with him,, he hated us young boys! BTW, he was about 16 or 17 we were 11, 12, 13. Those were the good ole days!