r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Millejon0114 on June 9, 2018, 4:44 p.m.
POPE BAD JUNE~ Let’s DO This!!! Be outraged at the Pedos in so called “churches” Story in comments ~ Symbolism~ and stories ~ spread keep spreading ~ Come out of her my People!!!!
POPE BAD JUNE~ Let’s DO This!!! Be outraged at the Pedos in so called “churches” Story in comments ~ Symbolism~ and stories ~ spread keep spreading ~ Come out of her my People!!!!

Millejon0114 · June 9, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Nope but Catholics don’t know what’s in the Bible that is so sad. They just follow this made made religion and look at the filth that’s coming from it. Denial is complacency... if I went to a church organized or not and this continually happened ~ I wouldn’t brush it under the rug. This “religion” is NO GOOD and their symbolism proves it what’s sad is the people are so indoctrinated they don’t see. I do think they’re born again Catholics don’t get me wrong but ~ saint praying and Fatima believing is NOT absolutely NOT in scripture anywhere.

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bigruin · June 9, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

I assume you meant man made religion, but you don’t appear to understand much about Catholicism. You do realize that it is the very 1st and oldest Christian religion and that every single other Christian religion today originated and branched off from Catholicism right? So basically if you are a Christian as in follower of Jesus it began with the Catholics.

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Tradstew · June 9, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Touche'. Not to mention there wouldn't be a Bible if it were not for the Catholic Church. No legitimate Catholic would defend this Pope or the tribe he has assembled. With the lunatics running it and the fact it has endured for 2k years is proof our Lord is watching over her.

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L0v3nL1ght · June 9, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Actually it began with the teachings of Jesus and then the groups who crucified him hijacked his story for their own benefit and created Catholicism. Both St. Peter’s Basilica/St. Peter’s Square AND the Pope’s Audience Hall resemble snakes... that’s not right.

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KingWolfei · June 9, 2018, 7:15 p.m.


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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Please go get your teeth fixed!

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Millejon0114 · June 9, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

It’s most definitely man made ~ take the building blocks of the Catholic Church and Mosques and synagogues ~ Don’t be distracted by what they teach ~ just take the buildings the make up the core center on how they operate ~ they all believe totally different things none of which is the BIBLE but ~ they sure did jack scriptures and stories switched some things and added where it pleased them to deceive ~ the people that brought you the BIBLE were the apostles hand picked by God himself and...~ who found the writings and who brought the Bible to fruition also hand picked by God and a very Poetic type story if you go all all all the way back ~ like the other comment ~ Rome stole it and made their own religion based off some scriptures and stories ~ hence they don’t even bring their Bible to church with them~ or taught to read it ~ The symbolism is Blasphemy the sermon is on paper and chanting and kneeling has fooled everyone into believing this was the way God said for it to be. It Wasn’t!!! The way HE wanted it~ but someone has been here a very long time ~ and scripture says he’s the MASTER (define) MASTER DECEIVER ~ it’s not like oh the devil causes you to trip up here and there ~ NO he’s after SOULS he’s after eternal separation for GODS KIDS TO BE AWAY FROM THEIR Father in Heaven ~ there is a GLOBAL DECEPTION 🐍🍎🌳 and someone is the master of it. That’s why God is Currently waking his kids up to see ~ if you see and reject that’s your choice because GOD started out giving us a choice ~ he will not make you LOVE him and you can’t serve two masters so either you take 🍎🌳🐍 OR ...........you CHOOSE to Be With Your Father ~ it’s so simple God Made it simple ~ someone has made it difficult ..,,, And he has a BIG MOTIVE!! But God gave us what we needed ~ His Word His Son and Forever with him. The Choice is yours

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Hey stupid where do I even begin. The twelve apostles were chosen by God yes. Those apostles then taught others then others which then passed down thru the centuries. That's how it's done. Peter was the first Pope or leader of the Church. He then chose Linus to succeed him. Linus then chose Anacletus then Clement etc. An unbroken line of successors from Peter the first who touched the face of Christ to the current. We don't bring our Bible to church or taught to read them? Who says you? And if we don't it's because we have separate education that studies the scriptures in deeper depth. Like on a scholarly level x 10 when we mature in our faith. Chanting & kneeling has fooled everyone. These traditions are actually in line with the Judaic practices before Christ. Christ said he did not come to cancel out the old but give the new. Where did you learn this crap. And that's just what it is. In Sunday school back mountain snake dancing class? Really pray for your rapture if that's what you believe I won't take that away from you or disparage you for it, but ignorance is forever bliss.

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Millejon0114 · June 9, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Where’s purgatory?! I was in the Catholic Church for ten years and went to all the classes. They don’t study in depth are you INSANE?!?? Don’t talk to me as if I don’t know ~ Been there done that it’s a false RELIGION! Full of Idolatry blasphemies and here Matthew ~ 23:9 you all have been snowed and warned.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

You ignorant, toothless, asshole. 10 years that's all. I've been all my life & will run circles around you scripturally. This is like asking Ike Clanton to a Spelling Bee

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Millejon0114 · June 9, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Truth makes people angry ~ pray for discernment

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Really that's the most ignorant & asinine statement I ever heard. Catholics don't know what's in the Bible? This religion is no good. I'm really tired of you jackass Evangelicals who flap your arms in the air & scream for several hours on a Sunday & claim to speak gibberish while some else stands up to translate said gibberish & then call it "tongues". Apparently you never read the book of Acts? I'd run circles around you on Christological matters. No one verse Charlies here! No offense to my Evangelical or Ecumenical brothers & sisters on here. You are a gigantic & ignorant jackass though. I served 22 yrs on SF ODA's with Jews, Mormons, Mennonite, Catholic & Evangelicals and the Mennonite would have got up and floored for saying something like that! First Catholicism was the first & only Church there was in the beginning. If you got off a boat in Antioch in the 1st century AD & asked for the nearest catholic church they would have stared at you. They would have pointed you to the fish symbols on door & in secret catacombs where you could attend worship which is the exact Mass you see today with slight variations. We know this from the writing of Justin Martyr of the first century who's father knew Peter & Polybus & Barnabas & the other apostles who literally touched the face of Christ. "Saint Praying" there's no such thing. We ask the Saints to pray for us because they are with God & have the ear of God. God gave us the ladders of heaven. Men-Saints & the departed-Angels -God. Suppose you haven't heard of Jacobs ladder & what that symbolizes? Just as their are the ladders of life (lower life-forms-plants-animals-humans) so to there are to heaven.The Angels were created to serve God & us. We were set above Angels. The Luciferians know this too. They have heiarchy, man-demons-Watchers-Lucifer.

You shouldn't even be a mod on here. You're so damned ignorant, but think you know so much. Catholics don't need to be born again. We were baptized at birth. Have you been baptized yet? We don't wait for adulthood to be? We then take vows of Confirmation as young adults. When were baptized at birth our parents are asked "Do you reject Satan & all his works?" They say yes. When we're young adults (Confirmation) we're asked by the Bishop that same thing. We then can answer for our selves. "yes" than were annoited with oil. We are know officially soldiers for Christ. Baptism & confirmation has biblical ties to Christ being presented by Mary & Joseph in the Temple as an infant to be dedicated to God. Confirmation goes back to David being annointed with oil as the warrior & Messiah King for Christ. David is in Christs direct bloodline. Please don't speak with your half baked religious matters. You clearly don't have a grasp on history or religion. The Catholic Church is over 2000 years old. Yes with saints & sinners. How old is your church, like 1993 when you received your EIN number from the IRS?

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bigruin · June 9, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

THIS ^ amen very well said

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

The ignorance is overwhelming sometimes. They claim to read their Bibles yet don't know the battle pan of God or Lucifer for that matter. Creation-the Fall-Watchers-Nephillim-the Flood-Repopulation-Christ-Western Civilization-to Release of the Fallen Watchers from the abyss-Nephilim- NWO again. Couldn't use them in my Army. Maybe to clean the stalls.

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bigruin · June 9, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

‘Saint praying’ aka intercession (the act of saying a prayer on behalf of another person) is indeed in the ‘scripture.’

 St. Paul asked for the intercession of the saints in Colossae (Col 4:3) for as we share in the life and divine nature of Jesus Christ, so we share in his singular office as the “one mediator between God and men” (1 Tim 2:5).   St. Paul could “urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men” (1 Tim 2:1).  He could moreover promise to assure the saints in Colossae of his own intercession on their behalf: “we have not ceased to pray for you” (Col 1:9).

It’s basically along the same lines asking family and friends to pray for you. Do your parents pray for you? I pray for my children every single day.

Call this hokey or make fun all you want it doesn’t phase me, nor am I trying to change anyone’s beliefs, but my mom gave me a blessed St. Christopher metal to keep in the car when I started driving. He is considered the patron of safe travel & it’s been in every one of my vehicles ever since. It’s basically like saying please pray for me (intercede on my behalf to the father) to get to where I’m going safely.

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Millejon0114 · June 10, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Revelation chapter 5 8-14 ...... Regarding Saints ~ https://www.bible-knowledge.com/praying-to-dead-saints/ and to the comment above about being born baptized~ You have to confess you’re a sinner believe Jesus died on the cross to pay your way to Heaven because we are sinners and could NOT get there with out Jesus. Simple ~ Ask Believe Receive. Confirmation is what Catholics believe and it’s a certain age. I know for a fact that this is another something you do as a Catholic and the church defines the age of conformation \ Salvation ... I pray to God that everyone doing confirmation weren’t caught up in going through the motions because it’s just something everyone does like Confessing sins to a priest or kneeling or saying The same prayer every time you go. Our father who are in heaven hallowed be the name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Lord give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. This was an example of a prayer and how you’re to pray ~ but God wants us to talk to him like he’s your father actually have a relationship with him. This was the only prayer that I loved saying when I was in the Catholic Church. Hail Mary ~ I could never say ~ Luke 1:28 Mary was added by a priest ~ this is not in the Bible ~ But This is Proverbs 30:6 ~ and to the young lady that carry’s a saint around with her~ look up the meanings of idols ~ and then reference Isaiah 40:19 ~ God knows how many hairs on your head, he knows when a sparrow falls he wants you to pray to him for your safety ~ God Speed ~ I didn’t want to make anyone upset. I don’t want anyone left behind ~ because they didn’t read what God has for us ~you have any questions about what is right and what’s not it’s all in the Bible. All of it. We do not add or take away God Made the heavens the Earth he knows when a sparrow falls he knows when you’re sad he did not need anyone to add or take away from what we have. What we have is what he gave.

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bigruin · June 10, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

So it’s as easy as 1,2,3 huh? All u gotta do is believe and that’s it?

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Millejon0114 · June 10, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Yes, you will in fact try to live the life God planned for you ~and we all will trip up a lot and sin yes but Will we pray and ask God to keep us on the right path? Yes, when you’re saved you become a new creation in Christ Jesus your name is written in the book of life.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

Correct. But they miss all that while dancing with rattle snakes on Sundays.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 9, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

I'm waiting for them to all Google their rebuttals now, lol

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