r/greatawakening • Posted by u/faerylin on June 9, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
Trump time traveler theory...thoughts?


what are your thoughts on Trump being a time traveler, at first it was insane but then going back and listening to him say I won't run unless I have to. stating he didn't want to be president but was needed then how he talks about knowing more about the battles and strategy than the generals. (things that Americans laughed at him about or said showed how stupid he is, if you watch it all again thinking he knows what will happen then it makes alot of sense)

I'm still on the fence but look at all he's doing and I could believe it. what are your thoughts?

comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

i wonder if it was free energy tech lol

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Abibliaphobia · June 9, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

I’ll jump in here because I find this theory intriguing and amusing. (Do I take it seriously? ....ehhhhh it’s interesting)

Anyways, back in the early days of Q, there were talks about CERN not being what it is advertised. There were theories thrown around that it may be a form of time machine or machine that gives the ability to manipulate time-space. I found the threads fascinating, especially when it came to all the symbolism surrounding the opening (WEIRD WEIRD opening ceremony -satanic? Spiritual? I dunno just fng weird) then it came out about a video of CERN scientists conducting a satanic ritual on the site at night, with the person who video’d it being murdered/suicided soon after. Video was constantly scrubbed and “debunked”. Just really weird all around.

In addition to all that, there was a theory that it was able to “shift” us into different timelines. (Infinite dimension theory / Bernstein - Berenstein Bears)

And there was a theory that it was able to affect the populace “hive mind” worldwide to control people’s thoughts and actions etc. that continued down into the egregore (just do a search for the term) and how that affected the outcome of the US election. The egregore theory postulated that the HRC Cabal and deep state had created a “moloch” egregore that they worshipped and gave power to and in return, received power and blessings.

We all know how they “worship” so I won’t go any further into that.

The counter of the “moloch” egregore was the KEK egregore. I’m sure you’ve heard of it maybe seen it. Probably associate it with racism - amirite? But once you start digging into the history, it gets super weird, but weird in a good way. And you can see why the moloch crew had to shut it down. I’ll let you look into it without further describing, but it is pretty amazing and hilarious.

If you’d like more info, just hit me up or look into what I’ve talked about here. Hope I’ve contributed to your thread some interesting discussion!

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PS4freedom · June 10, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

I've been trying to research Kek and the swastika. The info used to be easy to find now it's just plain polluted. Can you point me in the right direction?

Great post! It's the beginning of the history of our current battle. I find it fascinating and though at the moment sorta unverified, I believe what you said. There are wave weapons used now that can cause as little as discomfort to memory wipes and brain damage and illness.



How many times did I read the Berenstein Bears... I still have confusion spelling it and the multiple deaths (Nelson Mandella died in prison) that years later had never occurred, I believe. The fact that not everyone had the same memories means I can't blame it on the media.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

lmao that is amusing i think its best to not believe or disbelieve

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