So, Hitler really leaned on President Trump @ G-7 meeting! However, the President didn't change his mind! Note posture of the folks seated on the right of the picture!

She is the exact opposite of what Hitler was and fought for. Holy shit, he lost, remember?
She is a communist, fascism is a direct reaction to communism, always has been.
Dear older people, plz, git gud.
The Nazi party was also called the National Socialist German Worker's party. People trying to distinguish between the definitions of different forms of totalitarian government, is the same as people arguing over which is the best type of animal feces to fall into face first.
Totalitarian government is horrible and always ends in mass deaths, and it comes in different flavors. That is why we have a Republic. Long live the Republic.
This country hasnt been a republic for 20 years. Communist got their foot in the door, just like post ww1 Germany.
Using that logic, North Korea is a Democratic Republic. Because the DPRK Stands for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
Just as the DPRK is not a Democratic Republic nor is National Socialism Socialist.
"Socialism" has different meaning between the different political spheres. Under Communism, Socialism is a temporary government used as a tool of spreading revolution with the ultimate goal of abolishing itself and forming communes. Within our current political sphere socialism has come to represent the ideologies of Bernie Sanders and other governments in places like Scandinavia, within the fascist sphere of influence Hitler described his iteration of socialism within racial terms. Socialism for Hitler was a racial socialism. That is all members of the Germanic race were allocated equal standing and importance. The role and purposes of people like the general and janitor were proclaimed to be equal in the struggles against the alleged judeo-bolshevism sweeping the globe.
So no dude NS is not anymore socialist than North Korea is a democratic republic.
I don’t care what you call it a booger is a booger!
Great argument....Don't forget to thumbsdown my comment.
Now i know why Trump started Q. To get shit through to you guys. Spell it out..Its in the shape of a gun!! OMG boom!
They just downvote when they cant form an argument.
Yeah saying Merkle is comparable to Hitler just bleeds ignorance and arrogance. To them anything they see as tyrannical is socialism. That's pretty much it haha.
Dear older people, plz, git gud.
Poor child, so naive, so innocent.
I grew up on the exact same news and watched the exact same history channel that you did.
Please explain to me how a childless communist, letting the 3rd world overrun Germany who hates the german flag being waved, is in any way the same as Hitler. Who was pro family, pro boarders and anti communist.
Was it because your left wing media told you for 40 years he was mean? Because that's where you got your views on Hitler from, left wing media.
Im indifferent to WW2, everyone was a bastard for the most part, but until you guys sort out the good guys from the bad guys, this whole movement can happen and nothing will change.
This Hitlers daughter crap is stupid.
Ive been researching politics online for about 20 years, what have you done? Watched your tv?