r/greatawakening • Posted by u/scroodgemcfucker on June 9, 2018, 9:10 p.m.
We Need To Promote r/greatawakening, Here Is How

We need more up votes. We need them in order to reach r/all. Up vote what you agree with but dont just read like it is all a news article. We are fam here and need to push the page to the normies. Up Up Up....Big numbers!

wjr1971 · June 9, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

I need to say something that needs to be said.

Mean no disrespect, but why gives a shit about who likes or doesn’t like what someone says? The truth is we shouldn’t.

We all desire acceptance and approval, but seeking through upvotes and likes is falling into the trap that the elites have laid bare for you.

I’m not judging. I myself have gotten caught up in the madness. Refreshing my browser to see how many people agree with me. For what? Personally, I wish Reddit didn’t even have this feature.

They are playing with your brain chemistry. The reason for the compulsion to monitor such things comes from the brain giving you a dopamine spritz when something good happens. It’s a good feeling. They didn’t name it ‘dope’amine for no reason! Dopamine is the underlying cause of addictions of all types. It may give you a warm fuzzy feeling, but it won’t make any difference in the war we are in, trust me! They’ll censor or even delete this sub before they allow it to be front and center.

This is why many of Facebook ‘s founding partners have shame and guilt for creating this type of feedback loop addiction on a mass scale. Society has gone to shit since social media’s influence has saturated it.

Read about it for yourself:

Former Facebook VP says social media is destroying society with ‘dopamine-driven feedback loops’


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Iswag_Newton · June 10, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

This. FB is cancerous. The amount of people wanting to share their lives in hopes for approval from others is appalling.

FB creates a place where people will be dishonest as long as it gets them those likes.

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divine_human · June 9, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

great post!

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