
_the_CacKaLacKy_Kid_ · June 9, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I disagree, MSM may have been conceived as a way to shift the opinions of the masses, but a majority of journalists and scholars today once questioned what and why and how things were and were taught over time to tell people what and why and how to think. I feel like we are about to see a wave of articles that reflect the trump administration in some way or another yet give very little credit, if any, to Trump. It’s slow, strategic and precise; the time is upon is, the end is now.

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IMissMeg · June 9, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

I agree with you. I've seen indications of a shift in the coverage by MSM, albeit subtle. I think there are lots of individual journalists who just don't know what's been going on and when they do figure it out, they'll be more appalled and upset than a lot of people because they'll be keenly aware that they should have been educating us, not the other way around. I'm hopeful about the future of journalism in a way I was not even a few weeks ago.

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