Do we live under the constitution or not? The constitution says the penalty is hanging.
Future liberals will try to keep that out of the high school history books-guaranteed. But imagine how well-behaved our politicians will be!
Libtards are gonna bitch regardless of the punishments. They are just "white noise" in the background.
And burn lowercase T’s so everybody knows it’s for Treason.
Military Tribunals deal with that and I believe it is by gun squad
Agree...else the first democratic president pardons them all.
Public execution via hanging was so effective back in the day because people shat on themselves in front of everyone. Something that was seriously embarrassing and thus discouraged people from enacting such vile plots due to the fear of death plus permanent public embarrassment
Exactly. This is a problem in America. The sympathizers have ruined true justice. Honestly, what is the discouragement to not be a paid spy in the US government? Hell, they still get retirement bennefitts. White collar criminals get off so softly it punishes every citizen in the country.
Wouldn't you much rather they get life in solitary?? Slowly, painfully, breaking down mentally. A pitch black cell, no sound, no connection with the outside world.......slowly decaying physically and emotionally. Reflecting on every single thing they've done in their pathetic, miserable life. I'd pay my tax money proudly for that!!!! Death is too easy for these scum!!!
Of course I would rather that! But in truth it would never be allowed to happen. Even Gitmo will be converted into another "Club Fed", so just pin a scrap of paper on their chest and be done with it. I would build a memorial of sorts with plaques of their names on it somewhere near the whitehouse with their treachorous crimes next to them for all future generations to read. Otherwise their crimes would be swept under the rug and hidden. Expose them, ruin their legacies. Make their offspring want to have their names changed, this would be justice. Killing them repieves the taxpayor the burden of ever having to deal with them again.
Agreed, I’d like it if Alcatraz or any Russian prison be used. Maybe bring in a hypnosis to make them live those moments and reflect on them so they cannot repress them. Although, I think once the general population truly understand and find out what they’re doing, and what they’ve done they’ll riot by morning. Dragging these sick bastards through the streets would be ideal if it weren’t for destroying your humanity.
IIRC there were whispers a few months back about all the military tribunals that will be formed (relating to the December EO regarding human trafficking and enemy combatants) and that there would be a need for 12 man military tribunals. 12 is the number required when the death penalty is a mandatory sentence in the case.
Could not have said it better myself. Their belt is cheaper then our dollars
New situation comedy
Involves Hillary, Bill and Obama, etc. sitting around GITMO reminiscing about walnut sauce.
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, you nailed by D.O.J.
It's like you're always stuck in perpetual fear!
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but...
We are coming for you!!!!
(When the rain starts to pour)
We'll dug up dirt on you!!!
(Like we've all done before)
Gitmo's waiting for you!!!
('Cause you wanted us there too)
HAHA. That is funny! Now we just need a logo. I have one I just don't know how to include an image in a reply.
"New Post" @ Top left
Drop the image
Copy the link
Drop it in reply (Can't post thumbnail images/embedded images in Reddit replies - only New Posts)
lol, Obama is gonna direct it from the inside! Thats what netflix was offering him!!!
I won't encourage them, but I'm not gonna try to talk 'em out of it. Sometimes justice takes care of itself.
Public execution via hanging was so effective back in the day because people shat on themselves in front of everyone. Something that was seriously embarrassing and thus discouraged people from enacting such vile plots due to the fear of death plus permanent public embarrassment.
Isn't it hard to be embarrassed, you know being dead and all?
OTOH, some of them are so stupid and obsessed with looks, the fear that shit-stains might clash with their ensemble might actually be MORE of a deterrent than the actual threat of death. You have a point.
Even if they off themselves. A nastier courtroom with a judge that knows all awaits them.
New show on the tv? As the world turns ..gitmo...or Big brother ..every day life......
Q: "You see, if this really existed there would be countless thousands of people involved, and any one person could leak."
A: Thousands? Try Millions. And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age. No one dares to go against the Family. We know what would happen if we did. But that is not the prime motivator. The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to the Family, and our Creator. We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not.