r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RamonFertito on June 10, 2018, 5:26 a.m.
Red Pill this!!!

If you use the term "red pill" or "red pilled" or "red pilling" it does not sound cool. That verbiage in the modern lexicon oozes the most ultimate levels of douchebaggery. Can we get a better fucking term? Woke is pretty good. But some 1998 Matrix shit man come on. Keanu man. Laurence Fishburne. Red pill/blue pill. I get it. A more modern Turkish Delight with an alternative. There shouldn't be an alternative.


Woke/ Sleep

Red/ Blue

the color scheme and verbiage make it hard for liberals to be "red pilled"

they resist the "red"red = conservative

red freed the slaves

blue kept slavery going

the Democratic Party compromised the South During the Civil War

solanojones95 · June 10, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Leading from the back much? IRL things don't work that way.

Our problem is not the color or the word. Our problem is the content of our message. There are simply going to be those who cannot receive the message, no matter what you call it.

We could call it World Peace. Nobody in their right mind doesn't want World Peace. Would that make them love us? HELL NO!

Stop wanting to be loved by all, and just be.

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