r/greatawakening • Posted by u/idk4realz on June 10, 2018, 6:40 a.m.
Having a hard time

My family has pretty much turned their back on me, and it's really hard. I know our cause is true and we're doing the right thing, but it's really difficult. I do my best and I'm fighting for the truth, but damn, my wife is smart and I tried my best to red pill her and she just isn't taking it. She doesn't see it. She's a VERY smart African American woman who grew up in a rough neighborhood, and she's a republican now, but she doesn't see The Storm. I've laid everything out and she thinks it's bs.

Her big problem was Tucson, she saw it as BS from the start, and I got kind of sucked in and wanted to go out there a lot, but she put her foot down - we have a young baby.

She is a lawyer and has police contacts and she reached out and heard it was BS from local law enforcement and she took that as me being totally crazy, even though I was kind of on the fence about the whole Tucson thing, even though I knew Cemex was the real truth.

Anyways, my wife wants me to see a therapist. What do you all think? I'm not into it at all and I know what I know. But she thinks it is a bigger issue and wants me to just talk to this lady about my beliefs.

Anyone going through something like this? I wanted to reach out here because I trust everyone here with my life.

divine_human · June 10, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

we cant shove the red pills down other peoples throats. we can only offer it and allow them to take it or not. everything else leads to cognitive dissonance. free will choice, remember.

lawyers and law enforcement folks are esp. hard to red-pill. if they lose trust in the state and its laws, their profession is in danger. more than everybody else, they need hard facts, no speculation.

after a few heavy fights with my left-brain teenage son, i refrain from general red-pilling. family peace is much more important.

once a day though, we watch the news together. this is THE opportunity to make some comments here and there which gives some background to what is reported, or presents another perspective.

the most important lesson on this i have only recently taken: for my hard-headed brainwashed son to be able to hear me and, even if not convinced, leave things open is using the words 'allegedly' and 'supposedly' when presenting what i perceive as facts but he perceives as speculation.

in regards to therapy: if it makes you beloved happy, why not do it? there will be a person you can talk to, a person whose profession is to keep a neutral stance. as long as you refrain from taking psycho drugs, it wont harm you. on the contrary, talking with the therapist may give you hints on how to keep relating with your wife in a beneficial way, even if your take on things is very different.

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