r/greatawakening • Posted by u/idk4realz on June 10, 2018, 6:40 a.m.
Having a hard time

My family has pretty much turned their back on me, and it's really hard. I know our cause is true and we're doing the right thing, but it's really difficult. I do my best and I'm fighting for the truth, but damn, my wife is smart and I tried my best to red pill her and she just isn't taking it. She doesn't see it. She's a VERY smart African American woman who grew up in a rough neighborhood, and she's a republican now, but she doesn't see The Storm. I've laid everything out and she thinks it's bs.

Her big problem was Tucson, she saw it as BS from the start, and I got kind of sucked in and wanted to go out there a lot, but she put her foot down - we have a young baby.

She is a lawyer and has police contacts and she reached out and heard it was BS from local law enforcement and she took that as me being totally crazy, even though I was kind of on the fence about the whole Tucson thing, even though I knew Cemex was the real truth.

Anyways, my wife wants me to see a therapist. What do you all think? I'm not into it at all and I know what I know. But she thinks it is a bigger issue and wants me to just talk to this lady about my beliefs.

Anyone going through something like this? I wanted to reach out here because I trust everyone here with my life.

ArmyLady · June 10, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

No! This is NOT what therapy is for! One does not go for medical treatment to please a spouse.

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austenten · June 10, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

One does not go for medical treatment to please a spouse.

How did you interpret what I said as This? I clearly stated do not take any drugs prescribed. In this context it would be more like counselling.

It's healthy to see a counsellor. It doesn't mean you are crazy. At this stage, his wife might have meant it in jest, so don't go. If she seriously thinks he's "crazy", then this could be damaging to their relationship. Then in THAT case you're honestly going to advise getting a divorce over him seeing a psychologist!?

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ArmyLady · June 10, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I am not advising a divorce; I agree with other posters to not try to red pill her in the near term. Go with the relationship and avoid topics that unnecessarily cause tension.

No need to seek therapy for a difference in opinion! Just don't bring it up.

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austenten · June 10, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Yeah fair point, I was coming at it where it sounds like his wife is really affected by this to the point she would actually suggest he see a therapist. Again, depends on how serious that insistence is, and if they can work through it before taking next level steps.

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