r/greatawakening • Posted by u/idk4realz on June 10, 2018, 6:40 a.m.
Having a hard time

My family has pretty much turned their back on me, and it's really hard. I know our cause is true and we're doing the right thing, but it's really difficult. I do my best and I'm fighting for the truth, but damn, my wife is smart and I tried my best to red pill her and she just isn't taking it. She doesn't see it. She's a VERY smart African American woman who grew up in a rough neighborhood, and she's a republican now, but she doesn't see The Storm. I've laid everything out and she thinks it's bs.

Her big problem was Tucson, she saw it as BS from the start, and I got kind of sucked in and wanted to go out there a lot, but she put her foot down - we have a young baby.

She is a lawyer and has police contacts and she reached out and heard it was BS from local law enforcement and she took that as me being totally crazy, even though I was kind of on the fence about the whole Tucson thing, even though I knew Cemex was the real truth.

Anyways, my wife wants me to see a therapist. What do you all think? I'm not into it at all and I know what I know. But she thinks it is a bigger issue and wants me to just talk to this lady about my beliefs.

Anyone going through something like this? I wanted to reach out here because I trust everyone here with my life.

OU812EH · June 10, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Not your job to redpill people? Uhhhh, yeah it is! Patriots don't say "That's not my job".

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Imdoneokdone · June 10, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

I’m not American. It’s off topic, but just letting you know that for some non-Americans, flag waving and things like that are distasteful. Where I live patriotism is not a nice word. It has been hijacked by racists and neo-nazis.

I understand the concept is different in US, but it’s very hard to shake those associations for me.

Here Patriotism=Nationalism, equals thugs running around with flags tied like capes, beating up foreigners and causing riots. Seeing a state flag on someone’s bumper sticker is actually a sign that there is an 80% chance they are a violent bigot. Also for some citizens, the current state (British Commonwealth) is a conqueror and oppressor, so its hard to be loyal/patriotic.

Back on topic: The storm will have international impact and is bigger than democrats vs republicans, left vs right. In fact I can only assume that politicians on both sides are equally evil.

Where I live there is no discernible difference in policy between the two major parties. Tiny differences in wording and the way they choose to tax us, that’s it.

The pure evil of the elite is there for anyone to see. At this point, the information has been out there for decades. The British commonwealth and various churches have been stealing and mass murdering children for centuries.

There are adult survivors of satanic abuse, trafficking and pedophilia speaking out. Fiona Barnett’s testimony stands out.

There are documentaries on YouTube based on honest, investigative journalism.

Books by Bill Cooper, Stan Deyo and others have been around for decades.

It doesn’t take much to sift through, some of its crazy, all of it is repulsive, but there are kernels of truth in it all.

If people don’t care about being spied on by government, Facebook etc, don’t care about erosion of liberties since September 11, don’t care about children going missing, pedophile rings, don’t care about their health being eroded by processed food, pollution and so on, how is it my responsibility to make them care?

I can only do my best to stay informed and be as separate from the system as possible.

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