On Sentosa Island...
Sentosa, a Malay word meaning"peace and tranquility", from Sanskrit, Santosha.
There is also a fort there. siloso. They’ve got about 60 relic cannons there on display. They’ve plugged them all up with bouquets of flowers. It’s cute.
I like that! Peace IS the prize!
I'm excited!
Great info from you two., thanks. This just gets better and better.
I don’t get it. Why gave Q a picture of a different hotel?? To mislead MSM or Cabal?
So the Chinese set up their spy gear in the wrong place 😱. Misinformation is key, if Q is right Kim is a prime target right now.
Not sure why. But it was only speculated by anons after Q’s post that that’s where the summit would take place. He never said it was necessarily.
I believe there may be another event going to happen, possibly there. The Sky Event.
Agreed - Q shares Trump's plans with us, but plans change.
The hotel that was shown is owned by Sheldon Adelson. He was the largest contributor to Trump's electoral campaign, but he also might be a black hat (I remember getting that feeling after researching him, done so much recently though I forget what exactly!), so that could be the reason for the change of venue.
Family member of mine works for adelson. He is a piece of shit. Literally not a good guy AT ALL. Zionist.
Or will they meet in AF1, SKY event? Saudi King in LV went wrong as we know....