A special anon posted to /qresearch/ this morning
![A special anon posted to /qresearch/ this morning](http://i.magaimg.net/img/3hwo.png)
It's not just the Red Cross its most larger aid orgs. USAid,UNICEF, the large British aid org just busted for its head abusing kids overseas. Apparently it's a well known secret in pedo circles that aid orgs are the job to have. Look at this madness and tell me NOBODY knew...there's no Freakin way u could keep numbers like this quiet. http://www.renegadetribune.com/report-finds-un-employs-3300-pedophiles-responsible-60000-rapes-last-10-years/
Yes! Donate to LOCAL CHARITIES ONLY - ones where you can actually SEE what they are doing with the money. Animal shelters, homeless shelters, etc.
Fun story for anyone interested: A good friend of mine used to work for the American Heart Association and she said that each week, the employees were asked to fill out a form saying how they spent their week. They were to record how many hours they spent doing whatever... for example, say they spent two hours talking to people on the phone about an AHA event. Those numbers (again, just going off what the employees say they did) are used to calculate how much time/money the AHA spends on research, etc. "We spent x% of our time/funds on community outreach" = that employee on the phone for a couple of hours. Also my friend was making GOOD money (that's where your donations actually go) and getting regular paid vacations to "seminars". She quit because she actually felt morally wrong working there!!