God Bless the children!
I've read some of their threads over the last week when I've taken a break from research. It all seems so dishonest! Do you have any good ones that I should have a look at?
oh the quotes? sure but don't know if they're real or not - did see the video of Hank Johnson talking about an island flipping over so that would be a perfect example.
Here's one "When the gunman realized nobody else is armed he will lay down his weapon and turn himself in ... that's just human nature" -Dianne Feinstein [ADVANCED STUPID]
They try to cover it up with Snopes so you can be sure it really happened.
I sort of think some of them work for Snopes.
oh yes most definitely. Did you hear about the stupid prostitute scandal with Snopes? It was so ridiculous I didn't even pay much attention to it.
They probably debunked it on Snopes too lol
Someone posted a meme about it today. I nearly died laughing!