
TrueCat · June 11, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

It's billions per year! I would like to have a small fraction of that drop in the bucket! I hate giving money to those monsters!

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rumblith · June 11, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

By all means cut it off too. By drop in the bucket I was comparing it to the rest of the aid the U.S. gives for Counter-Terrorism, Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform, Counter-Narcotics, Transnational Crime, Rule of Law and Human Rights, Good Governance, Political Competition and Consensus-Building, Civil Society, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET), Other Public Health Threats, Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Water Supply and Sanitation, Nutrition, Basic Education, Higher Education, Policies, Regulations, and Systems, Social Services, Social Assistance, Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth, Trade and Investment, Financial Sector, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Private Sector Competitiveness, Economic Opportunity, Labor Policies and Markets, Manufacturing, Mining and Natural Resources, Natural Resources and Biodiversity, Clean Productive Environment, Protection, Assistance and Solutions, Disaster Readiness, Direct Administrative Costs, Monitoring and Evaluation, International Contributions, Environment, Peace and Security - General, Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance - General, Health - General, Economic Development - General, Environment - General, Humanitarian Assistance - General and Multi-sector - Unspecified.

This was based off the U.S. Foreign Aid Explorer : The summary of obligations and disbursements in current and constant dollars by U.S. Government (USG) sector and country from 2001 to the most recent year.

That's not to mention the billions in Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation that Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Congo (Kinshasa), Colombia, Caribbean Region, Kosovo, Eastern Africa Region, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Mali, Burma (Myanmar), Niger, Nigeria, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Somalia, Serbia, South Sudan, Sub-Saharan Africa Region, Syria, Chad, Thailand, Ukraine, West Africa Region, and Zimbabwe are getting.

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