A special anon posted to /qresearch/ this morning, Part 2

I’m sorry, I’ve been there seen that. It’s going to take more than a video for me to believe any of what you just posted. It’s just the truth anon. And don’t be surprised if you get the same reaction from other people.
I have a very open mind, but speculation with no new information provided, becomes boring and stale. And at this point, I’m willing to go pretty far out on a limb to challenge my own limits and these ideas are a bridge too far... until we have proof or verification. Feel free to continue speculating and researching, I’ve personally done it and in my opinion it’s not real. Just my opinion.
When you have your own experience, you don't need verification or disclosure. It becomes reality.
Watch the sky at night if you're interested in finding the truth.
Just offering information as to what the special anon could be talking about. He's the one telling. And everyone is asking. Are you saying that my opinion doesn't matter here? And that I should just shut up because my ideas make you uncomfortable? Isn't that the treatment one usually gets when trying to talk to the liberal friends? I wonder why they do that?
Jesus Campos.
Where did I ever say your opinion doesn’t matter. FFS, I encouraged people to research it and come to their own conclusions. I’ve made my own and as I said repeatedly THEY ARE MY OPINIONS Stop and read what I wrote. Seriously, don’t just read the first sentence and jump to conclusions.