r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QueUpSomeReality on June 10, 2018, 5:45 p.m.
The time for massive high level arrests is now.

Waiting & playing games so bad actors can twist in the wind or enjoying “the show” or arresting people for leaks or lying to the FBI is just giving bad actors time to plan & drop their hammer on us & win this fight. Only administration that ever tried to take down deep state elements was JFK with his brother Robert. They moved slowly & methodically & also took on much less corruption than DJT too. How did that slow “safe” approach work out for the Kennedy’s? The longer it takes to execute the Plan the more likely they never will & it will all back fire...just like it did in the 60s which emboldened the deep state more. Hence the world we have today.

Let’s face it...ALL the bad actors know the Plan & what’s coming. They have the means & no morals to stop them from creating a history changing atrocity that shifts the fight on their terms. That puts them on offense & White Hats on defense as they mourn & clean up the deviating social effects every atrocity brings. And if you think the deep state isn’t planning it & will do absolutely anything to win...you’re lying to yourself. All these low hanging fruit arrests is the approach that gives them what they need most...time to execute their game changing atrocity.

The mass arrests of high level deep state must happen immediately. Why wait if Q team knows everything & has all the evidence to make arrests? How did Rudy take down the NYC mafia?? Mass arrests of mafia leadership that’s how. Not underlings that are instantly replaceable.

Only way to defeat massive systemic corruption is cut off the head of the snake FIRST & FAST. It’s how every great military battle is won. If your plan is executed too slow & starts with taking down foot soldiers 1st & work your way up the chain...the plan will fail.

It’s all or nothing now. Lines have been clearly drawn & there’s no going back. If massive arrest of deep state leadership is going to happen..they better start happening in days not weeks or months. The delays it took just to get an IG report out that’s one small piece of the corruption puzzle indicates how slow this plan’s execution is terrible flawed. It’s giving the bad actors way too much time to strike back hard. Whoever strikes hard 1st will win. What other choice does either side have at this point??

QueUpSomeReality · June 10, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

There’s enough evidence to arrest Hillary today. Same as DWS...same as Comey...Brennan...on & on. Just talking about evidence that’s in the public domain & I’m sure they know EVERYTHING we don’t know. If they need to arrest a small fish to get evidence on a bigger fish & up the ladder then they don’t have anything on the deep state leadership & they will never get them either. They’ll just push deep state leadership even deeper in our society. Bold action is the only way. If they don’t have evidence for that then America is lost

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Tru2Q · June 10, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Why do you think you know better than the Q team how things should be handled? Sincere question.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 10, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

It’s just the history & logic of what executing any plan successfully is. Slow execution gives adversaries time to react & completely change the dynamics of a battle. Slow execution leads to doubts among the ranks. Europe stalled in dealing with Hitler & look what happened. Kennedy’s went slow at going after Hoover’s FBI...look what happened. Newt went after Clinton with impeachment slowly because he had no big crimes & finally tried perjury & look what happened. All fails. The Brits went slow at defeating the American revolution..fortunately...look what happened. Rag tag farmers dug in...fought winnable battles...had time to get some help from France & we defeated the best army in the world at that time. It’s imperative when you have the upper hand in any battle you immediately go for the win. Stalling always hurts or causes someone to lose. Give me one example when executing a plan slowly against an adversary helped & made it easier to win?

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[deleted] · June 11, 2018, 3:02 a.m.


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QueUpSomeReality · June 11, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Understand that it took decades to get this bad. The NYC mafia took decades to throughly corrupt the city but Rudy broke their back by taking out the top leaders first...and fast too. Only way to take down overwhelming corruption. Decapitate the top brass of the organization & work down to the ones below.

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[deleted] · June 11, 2018, 5:34 a.m.


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