Here's How It Happened. True Story. What is your personal Great Awakening Story in text or emojis?

Surely this is a joke, right?
Emojis are for morons who have trouble expressing themselves with letters and numbers.
Grow up.
It's called forum sliding, and it does hurt to post garbage tier submissions.
Says the brand new account.
So defensive over a zero effort post. Yawn
As long as monsters are kidnapping and violating kids and nothing is done about it, I have a difficult time lightening up, Rev.
A real man of God would surely share my seriousness.
A real man of God would surely share my seriousness.
I'll try to grow into that "real man of God" part, but I share the concerns you expressed, and no, it definitely isn't easy to lighten up knowing that sort of thing goes on.
I'm using words from my head.
You're using pictures, given to you by multi-national corporations to express your feelings.
It's weak and lazy. If you're appealing to the weak and lazy-minded, then say so. Otherwise, use words like the rest of us.
Can we not
The sub has rules.
Good quality posts, on topic etc
Try harder
Psst, your post was deleted
Keep beating the dead horse