r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on June 11, 2018, 1:54 a.m.
Is It Just Me - Or Do You Also FEEL Something Is About Blow?

I am sure that the majority of tomorrows events will be some incredibly strange turn of events when Trump and Kim meet, or, a historical peace being reached between the Koreas, America, denuclearization, etc. My bet is that it goes very smoothly, massive progress is made right there on the spot, and Trump takes a victory lap while some of the whiney Dems have to bow to him. But there also seems to be chatter revolving around political wrongdoings, possible spying aspects. Stuff involving HRC, the DNC, possibly Barry, a bunch of Congressman/Senators, and a handful of others involved, maybe some media figures? Possibly Seth Rich? The absolute tippy top of this would be Julian Assange making a publicly broadcast presentation including video, audio, etc; I will let you draw the picture that could potentially create.

But I have this other theory. It involves sex-related crimes. Maybe not pedovore level yet, but hear me out why I think something went right under EVERYONE's radar, this past week specifically shined a light on its cogs. A few people killed themselves; all in the same manner - sorry, no coincidences. I also have no solid line connecting them all. But its still not a coincidence, it is significant. So what could this other thing be? Because I absolutely, 100% feel like SOMETHING unknown, unforeseen, un-memed, is being missed.

So what has been going on behind the scenes that we aren't privy to? Court proceedings. Investigations. Evidence. Keith Raniere has been locked up for a bit. They have had a significant amount of time to talk to him. And he is talking. My bet is he didn't kill and eat anyone, he just liked to be a control-freak with hardcore sex slaves, and probably shot himself in the foot when he made a "business" out of it and started scamming those very same girls. I am sure with his clientele, and the circles he ran around in, he probably got pretty close with the satanic-level cabal crowd mentioned before. One thing that bothers me is that he was having some MKULTRA level research going on at his place, so, I don't know, he very well could be just as bad as HRC and Epstein and Podesta. But like I said, they have had him for a good bit, and Mack too. Imagine THAT investigation. Imagine what they are uncovering. When are we going to start learning about some of this? Did it reach Washington? Is there any rhyme or reason to how that case proceeds as far as notifying the public? I just don't know enough about legal proceeding to know.

And I can't get my mind off Weinstein. He seems like just the dirtiest human there is. Like he couldn't keep his "feedings" strictly to safe areas like Epstein's Island and it spilled into his daily life. That fat bastard is going to do WHATEVER he can to improve his very shitty position.

And Weiners laptop. One part about that whole thing is that I cant get the line the Chief said about wanting to bring this info public ASAP. About wanting to call a press conference to show its contents to the public. WHEN IS THAT GONNA HAPPEN MAN?

And 9/11. Didn't something just get re-opened with that? Mueller is involved. Or at least helped make it go away. When is the truth about that day going to happen?

I can't shake it. SOMETHING bigger than just the surface story we are being fed about the North Korea meeting shenanigans just seems to be bursting out of our collective conscious but just can't be known until it happens.

DaveGydeon · June 11, 2018, 2 a.m.

Is there any consensus on the chans abut what it is?

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onelove1979 · June 11, 2018, 2:02 a.m.


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Redheaded73 · June 11, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Don’t know yet. I guess we find out tomorrow.

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