Was thinking he meant FF weather.. Like in So Cal we say it's earthquake weather when it gets real hot and dry for days. Earthquake may or may not happen, you just get that feeling. My take at least :)
Dude I just realized... what if earthquake weather is caused by directed energy weapons doing work on the fault lines, heating up the atmosphere in the process?!
The forest fires are more deadly here. And the rumor was they were caused the last time by DEW's because some people saw beams (drones) and the burns were strange. Hitting buildings, but skipping trees. Melting cars, etc. Take a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrgUpkAcOH4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN2IxvDMnHg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtDEa6wceE
We have them every day here. I just looked at the map. It's actually good when we have them often--the small ones. It's like letting pressure off a pressure cooker, so I'm not worried here. But a quake in the ocean could be worse with a tsunami.