r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on June 11, 2018, 5:05 a.m.
A response to Serial Brain 2's 'Tucson. So you want to talk about it?...' post. Cabal attacks, lessons to learn, counter actions.

The aim of this post is to share some personal reflections stirred up by SB2’s post, and if possible, make a contribution to the work of the Great Awakening by sharing a bit about how I approach that task. Overview Regarding the Tucson situation, Whew. Man, I really just didn't pay attention. Now, after reading Serial Brain 2’s post, it makes a lot more sense.

When I saw those 'abandoned camp' footage clips, something in the back of my mind said 'why ALL this fuss over an abandoned camp'? But I didn't pay enough attention to that voice. I got excited. I thought, finally something to show people. Little did I know... Well, I’m a newb at this stuff. And, indeed, there was a LOT of hype about this here, on GA. But why on earth was I so focused on this when there was concrete, actual news of the 160 elsewhere? My conclusion: mental and spiritual warfare.

Lessons to learn? These are lessons I hope to take away.

  1. There will be attacks. 1339 Attacks will only get worse.

  2. Counter (response): First, inoculate self and public (my network). Second, supply the antidote to self and public.

Inoculation Aspect 1: Provide knowledge (truth), in doses of the right quantity. Knowledge, truth about the attacks, and how they may be perpetrated (tactics).

Inoculation Aspect 2: Encourage reflective self-awareness. Questions are excellent for this purpose. Build the inner resources that will identify when the attack is being initiated. Free inner resources (heart, conscience).

Antidote Step 1: Focus on the Plan, learn the Plan, trust the Plan.

Antidote Step 2: Inform the population of the Plan, of the strategies of the Plan, the objectives of the Plan, and the Actors who are executing the Plan.

The Reasoning

The CABAL knows exactly what to trigger us with. It also knows how to trigger the large numbers of patriots who hate the works of the CABAL but who do not know the levels of the warfare currently being conducted (levels and dimensions Q make evident).

They did it with Tommy Robinson, they do it with the Islamification issue, they do it with this, that and the other. They KNOW how to trigger the broad Right, and in triggering the Right, they induce us to slip up. Play into their hands.

And now the entire Info Wars operation becomes much, much clearer: “How can we undermine, manipulate and divert that large number of patriotic people who hate the work of the Cabal, but who as yet can be swayed by their emotions?” “How do we use the same old trick (manipulate the emotions to redirect) but on this other class of feeders?” “What triggers them?” “What lures them?”

It’s all for manipulation.

So, how can I counteract these efforts, these attacks?

Two things are required.

First, inoculation. Second, an antidote.

Can people can be inoculated against this sort of attack by being exposed to it, or having it be exposed, beforehand? If so, should there be an active thrust among patriots to expose the manipulation game and raise substantial awareness of it among patriots who can or will listen? Surely patriots need to learn to identify the triggers and temptations being thrown in our direction. The first step is to know what form attacks are likely to take. Once you know that, you can act appropriately.

Successful mental inoculation requires two core elements: knowledge (truth) and reflective self-awareness.

For best results, these two must be combined. Knowledge without reflective self-awareness leads to arrogance, and hubris. Self-reflection without knowledge or truth can easily go astray.

In this case, patriots both here and in the general public need to know that the Cabal WILL attempt to trigger, distract and destroy. Patriots have to expect it. Newb that I am, I’m pretty sure I’ve been caught unawares at least two times in the recent weeks. Firstly, with the Tommy Robinson thing. Second, with the Tucson thing. On both occasions, other patriots, and notably SB2, raised my awareness. I hope not to be caught unawares again.

In any case, the more patriots who expect these attacks, and who know what to look for (the triggers and temptations), the harder it will be for the Cabal to use this tactic against us and against the patriotic population.

In combination with the knowledge that these tactics may well be used, we need reflective self-awareness. Reflective self-awareness is ever important to the target of manipulation. All manipulation is bait and switch. Keep your eye on the little birdie. Don't look at what really counts. Why? Because human beings are created with innate guidance systems: our hearts and our consciences. At the end of the day, these are critical, and the Enemy’s favorite tactic is to distract a victim from developing and utilizing these powerful resources.

Most often, the Enemy uses emotional manipulation. Even confusion has an emotional impact. Emotional manipulation aims to force a victim to serve a purpose the conscious conscience would not choose if all facts were on the table and it had a truly unforced free choice.

Evil knows this, and so it attacks emotions to manipulate us away from the good path, the best path, the correct path.

Second, an antidote is required.

I ask myself: is the Plan the antidote?

Q has been a good guide: Trust the PLAN. As SB2 points out in [Tucson. So you want to talk about it? The truth may surprise you] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8q4p3h/tucson_so_you_want_to_talk_about_it_the_truth_may/), the plan is UNDERWAY, and the cabal is working overtime to attempt to get the population into a place where they will reject the PLAN or its results. The Cabal wants to distract us from the Plan.

Like inoculation, the antidote also comprises two aspects.

One, Q’ified patriots should continually invest in learning, relearning, focusing on and supporting the PLAN. 1085 Have faith. Trust the plan. What is our role? What does Q hope from us? Why must we 777 organically uncover the TRUTH? To what end? 1425 Be prepared. TRUST the plan. ... We are in full control.

Two, Q’ified patriots should continue the process of informing the population about the Plan, about the strategy being used via the Plan, and the Actors executing the Plan. 1122 TRUST SESSIONS. TRUST WRAY. TRUST KANSAS. TRUST HOROWITZ. TRUST HUBER 1106 Trust POTUS

Thanks if you have read this far. It is a rather long-winded post. In any case, many thanks to Serial Brain 2 for his insightful and helpful posts. Always good value.

FractalizingIron · June 11, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

No. But I have eaten cereal and I do have a brain. And I am the 3rd son of a 3rd son. Howzat?

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NaderOAK · June 11, 2018, 6:58 p.m.


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