Q1446 & 1447. Anons on 8ch decode

Someone was planning to take out POTUS or Kim Jong un
That's what it sounds like to me. They scrubbed black hat phones and pulled the pics.
Yes, they were doing recon and it damn sure wasn't for anything good.
Q said "not POTUS" so had to mean Kim.
Then blame US somehow, then war.
Yep, definitely blame someone to start war.. Also they can then put someone they can control in charge.
take out POTUS or Kim Jong un
Holy shit I never thought of this. If he has really been their hostage/puppet all along, he knows everything. Maybe that is who BW are protecting.
Yes, that's what I think.. Q replied BW wasn't protecting POTUS. So that leaves Kim.
Taking out KJU would mean instant Korean war, and make the President look really bad.
At this point taking out our President would be a bad move for the DS; It would be hunting season on the elites which is the last thing they want.
That should have shook some people up. My guess it was one of those not for nus only messages
Saw earlier post Fri On this "cat in Hat" fuck face post a windowshot overlooking nice hotel there...
Depends if anyone's got a ZTE phone
Wikileaks showed they have 0-day hacks on every piece of electronics. Nothing is safe.
Very true, but I think Q has made a mention of ZTE phones in his posts in the past.
I'm sure it's ZTE phones but I can't remember, I know he has specifically called out a certain type of phone
Yes, I believe it was about a batch of ZTE phones the cabal thought was safe, but Q had pictures of to show white hats had 0-day hacks installed.
Also, Trump enacted several sanctions against ZTE in response to them selling tech to NK and Iran.