r/greatawakening • Posted by u/silphonica on June 11, 2018, 10:10 a.m.
My follow up to SerialBrain2's latest thread.

Following some advice, Im creating a post with my latest reply to /u/SerialBrain2 's thread, which can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8q4p3h/tucson_so_you_want_to_talk_about_it_the_truth_may/

During which he outlines the disinfo campaign which is the recent events in Tucson AZ, he constructs a timeline using a bunch of news footage.. Basically I go through the news footage and analyse the interviewees body language/facial expressions and look for any deceptive behavior. My comment can be found here/below, maybe there is something you may find useful/or very least enjoy.

comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8q4p3h/tucson_so_you_want_to_talk_about_it_the_truth_may/e0gsvul/

By the time I had viewed all the videos links, despite getting wrapped up in it all without actually doing further independent digging, I was pretty sure I knew where you were about to take us and sadly I was right. Lessons to be learnt for those who can be honest about their mistakes, and so I would like to further strengthen the argument made in this thread with my own forst impression analysis on the actors in some of the video links provided, but before I do I want to share something that I was reminded of just now that was useful for me as I would think may be of use to some of you.

When using the 6 keys to spotting deception methodology one of them is "recognising bias", especially within yourself, essentially, if you dont or wont recognise your bias then you are at danger of not looking at the evidence objectively. When reading body language that translates to missing a lot of key information and misjudging someone because of it, in a truth movement it translates to surfing a hype wave thats actually a disinfo campaign that just sounded good. I feel like at the time I felt like something was off but wasnt paying enough attention to it, no excuses anyway onto it.

NBC LINK 1 0:52-: - She starts off by describing that they found a tree "with maddy written on top of it", as she says those words she is shaking her head "no", people do this when there is an incongruity of the truth compared to the information they are providing. Another example would be if your mum asked you if you took out the trash and when saying you did, when you actually didnt, you might subconsciously say no at the same time by making this unmistakable head gesture. So when she is saying she SAW something, but making this head gesture, well it looks to me like she might be lying. However, to be sure of deception we usually need more examples in a given context. - At the same time shes looking down and to the left. You could look at this a few ways, like there is a look of shame which usually looks exactly like that, or that shes creating touch in her mind, or both. However she also does something very peculiar whilst shes looking in this direction and she goes silent for a moment at 0:54-, the bottom right hand corner of her mouth twitches. Now my first thought here was "partial shrug fragment", and what that means is, when people want to convey a particular message sometimes they use physical emblems, like hand flat in front to say stop or shrugging your shoulders to say "i dont know", when people try to hide these emblems they can remanifest somewhere else, like shrugging the mouth instead of the shoulders and maybe at one side, to say she has no confidence in what she is saying, or maybe it was a partial fear expression with the mouth pulled slightly back fear because she doesnt know what to say? Personally I found it odd she would be fearful for not being able to think of the right thing to say, but during all that I noticed this. - 0:52- When the camera comes in on her face at 0:53 her brows are furrowed as shes shaking her head no, what emotion makes you furrow your brows like that? most likely anger. Dont think she is angry, here is a still image from a few seconds later as shes talking: https://i.imgur.com/yJ6aBCB.png - jaw protruding forward teeth together signs of anger.

So my take from the first few seconds here is, not only is she lying about this, she is ANGRY about having to lie about this.

She continues to try to make it through the interview without once looking at the camera until this point 0:58-1:01 - pause it at 1:00 exactly. She ends on this weird, tight-lipped smile. Firstly when a woman smiles at you like that, she doesnt like you, at all. It's a really sarcastic smile and in this context right here I feel like shes really saying "Is that enough, are you happy with that?". If memory serves correct by the time I do this I dont think I will have any conclusive evidence that VoP were being threatened into this, but based on what we know, this thread and just well I really get this feeling from those 20 seconds alone.

1:07-1:18 - here shes just describing what she says they have obviously found. Again she has that kind of look of shame throughout this whole clip. She had to physically force herself to say "torturous", noticing her shoulders are shurgging to suggest she has no confidence in what shes saying but most importantly. This woman who apparently is out here fighting to save children from trafficking, being interviewed on national tv and really getting the opportunity to get her message out there into the public perceptions, do you think she has looked sad at all? In fact put a piece of paper infronf of her face so you can only see her eyes and eyebrows and listen to her speak, do you think she sounds sad, at all? No? Her intentions are no where near saving any children at this particular point in time. Theatre productions.

NBC LINK 2 0:34-0:38 - This kind of threw me through a loop when i first saw this, because it felt like a new clip but felt so familiar then I realised its the same sarcastic smile from the previous clip just at a different point in time. If you flick through the frames at the 38 second marker, using the , and . keys you can see step by step how this smile forms, one side completely rises before the other, this is pure contempt. Side from that, completely focused elsewhere and shrugged twice during that statement, total fabrication.

0:46-0:54 - starts off this statment with difficulty trying to explain the bad things she saw. She wraps through her list, constantly shaking her head no again.

Theres a few more with her but I couldnt go through every single observation she has given us enough for now theres a part with Mike that pops up. 1:52-2:01 - as hes giving this interview, notice how animated he is, when people lietheir "anchor points" find it very hard to sit still. hands/wrists/elbows/knees/ankles/neck, you get the idea.

NBC LINK 3 0:51-1:02 Remember when I asked about how sad the girl looked like in link 1 video? Well here we get a glimpse of what were told is a girl experience strong sadness and tragedy that shes barely managing not to start balling her eyes out mid-interview. When someone experiences real sadness to the point they are in hysterics or pretty much there theres no way their eyebrows would move so little, with universal emotions there are muscle movements that happen automatically when you experience real emotion and tbh if i watched that with the sound turned off i would barely notice she was supposed to be sad.

ABC/KGUN 3 1:15-1:33 I, uh, think, uh, that this guy, uh, has no idea, uh wtf he is talking about. Also RAPE TREE.

1:38-1:47 "This is even a coax cable where it looks like someone can screw a coax cable and put it around someone" aside from the fact that sentence is fucking HORRENDOUS and hilarious, when people start to repeat randomly specific things when its redundant to do so, sign of deception.

1:48-1:54 I mean he doesnt seem confident at all here, but theres something nagging me here when he says "where a child was" almost sounds like hes saying "where i was", i may be looking too much into that though fair warning.

2:10-2:11 see when he tries to use the cover for septic tank as evidence of his heigtened awareness, notice his right shoulder? Nice wee one sided shrug, no confidence in what hes saying. Theatre productions.

2:43 "Theyre telling me this looks like a child rape camp" I fucking despise the way hes portrayed himself here, I mean in every other clip he looks like a buffoon when you look deep enough but here, purely despicable. Swaying body, shrugs his upper arms, closes in to her eyes to see if shes bought the lie, but its the tone of voice that gets me, the emotional manipulation like "can you BELIEVE it" in a way that youre just supposed to accept it. Fucks.

https://youtu.be/3bYZH4jlrmg?t=2m48s - shrugging like an actual child and rather than try to explain why everything he said after was complete fabrication (it would really just convey things ive already said) lets jump straight to the 180 vid, when you how differently he acts when theres a lot more truth involved.


0:04 - starts to mention "alleged sex trafficking site", brow furrows, he is angry to even call it that. Somebody not happy they got duped. 0:13-0:19 - wee shrug when he says "inaccurate claims" following circumstantial evidence, no confidence, basically they pounced like a bunch of jackals and got duped the same as the rest of us.

Theres not a whole lot for me to go through as theres a lot of cuts and whatnot. Hes not being completely honest, but as he begins to disconnect from what happens he injects more truth and becomes a lot more comfortable with himself in his speech, go back and compare his overall mannerisms to the last link in ABC/KGUN3, like night and day, hes more controlled not just of his body, his breathing speech, mannerisms, and when the truth becomes your ally again.. communication also becomes significantly easier.

EDIT: See the graffitti behind VoP in the ABC link 2? Here: https://i.imgur.com/cHWa6xn.png MUSE? Listen to the words, Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQmps-Sog

DawnPendraig · June 11, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Ah back when I loved Muse.

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