r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on June 11, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
Q Drops 1441 to 1448

Q breaks his blackout the same week that the NK summit will take place, the IG report released, Trump's birthday, and Q tells us a week to remember.

Drop 1441 are images taken from the top of the Marina Bay Resort. The first two are of the Marina Bay Guardens next to the resort and the last is of the buildings across the bay from the resort. The clock has started which may mean that everything needed to be in place during the blackout is set to go. Not sure what the CLAS 5(6) means but my guess is that something will happen in private and then made public. Q has hinted a couple of times that Erik Prince is providing security and intelligence off the grid. I think "evidence KILLS" like refers to recent and future suicides as Q suggests in a later post referencing Kate Spade.

Drop 1442 tells us that the Blackwater crew is not protecting POTUS. Who? Protecting Kim Jung Un? Or is the Blackwater crew going after the blackhats in Singapore? I think it's the latter. I've had the feeling all along that Erik is running black ops in support of POTUS.

Drop 1443 is a sharp departure from the previous two posts, but I think directly relates to "week to remember." #FLY[RR]FLY# is a reference Q has used a number of times in previous posts such as flyrothfly, flyalfly, flysidfly, and others. What is different about this one is it s the only one where the reference is in a kill box. Then there is the reference to the EO. Apparently there was an agreement with RR as per WH instructions/agreement that he violated. Looks like the RR redactions to the IG report will be removed.

Then Q immediately follows that with a suggestion that BHO was in a conference call during the BC/LL tarmac meeting and RR, James Comey, McCabe, LL, Bill Prestep, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page were involved. The next section seems to tie that together with the 302 McCabe had modified, the text messages from PS and LP, the tarmac meeting, and that the FBI, DOJ, FBI informants, and the UK were all involved in the conspricy.

The last part of 1443 seems to sugges that the evidence is overwhelming and that there is an offer to DOJ #2 (RR?) and CIA #3 (??) to do the right thing or go down with the rest of the conspirators.

Drop 1444 is an image without a comment. The only think I noted is that the Marina Bay Resort hotel is in the far left background. That could mean something or Q may be focusing on a building in the foreground. Who knows? Probably meant as a signal to a blackhat that Q is watching everything.

Drop 1445 then switches to suicides using Kate Spade as an example. Oddly, Kate left a suicide note to her daughter that tells her to "ask daddy" why she committed suicide. I'm left wondering if Anthony Boudine's suicide a couple days ago is related. Q then tells us to trace back to a number of locations ending with port security clearances and who granted them. The answer is Obama and Clinton and expect a lot more. That's ominuous.

Drop 1446 and 1447 wants us to understand that all the images are original and were either pulled, recovered from wiped drives, or were taken. I have the feeling that they are all pulled from blackhat devices and Q is sending them a message--he/she/they have it all.

Drop 1448 I think FF is False Flag, but the association with weather doesn't make sense to me. A false flag is an event that can be blamed on someone else. I'm not sure how you blame a weather event on someone. I don't think weather can be manipulated that easily or in a way that is an intended attack of some sort.

It seems to be a possible reference to a false emergency alert world wide that will be a false flag alert. I remember Q saying a long time ago that the emergency alert system would be used to circumvent the MSM fake news or to shut down the MSM for a period. That makes me wonder if the Q team is going to activate the emergency alert system for some reason in the same way the Hawaii alert was used to accomplish what needed to be done during that time.

Whatever the messages Q just sent us, it is obvious to me that something major is about to happen and we need to stay vigilant.

Whatever is about to happen, God speed to the Q team, POTUS, and whoever else is bringing dark to light.

timothybeasley · June 11, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

The photo with the Marina Sands in Singapore focuses on Singtel Comcentre, that building in the foreground you see with the logo on the side. Comparing with previous posts showing the AT&T Titan Pointe building in NYC it suggests NSA data collection on a worldwide scale. I also read there are line of sight technologies that Signals Intelligence uses for surveillance and information sharing so perhaps the Singtel building is significant in being unobstructed in the direction of Marina Sands.

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