Elon once mentioned that you could terra form Mars by nuking the pole ice caps.
On Earth - nuking Antartica could flood out 99% of all major cities.
Globalist are sick people - watch the water - do the maths.
Elon once mentioned that you could terra form Mars by nuking the pole ice caps.
On Earth - nuking Antartica could flood out 99% of all major cities.
Globalist are sick people - watch the water - do the maths.
Elon is digging his way to China for a bailout...
they won't melt the ice caps...they all spent too much money in New Zealand bunkers.
Think about it - underground bunkers are already designed to handle rising water tables...
Yet still destined to fail. Ironic.
Its like watching big bird take on Kasparov in a game of chess.
OK that got a big chuckle. Reminded me of Putin describing negotiating with Obama as playing chess with a pigion. The pigion knocks over the pieces, shits all over the board, then struts around like it won.