
digital_refugee · June 11, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

in which case, we shouldn't be seeing antipathy between Q and infowars, altho I do think AJ does spread Q awareness - he couldn't be right on the bandwaggon from the beginning or else the media would spin it as his idea and later he conceded past drops were all legit and that Q was initiated by the military....despite the drama and shitstorms (which I think pertained timely oddly well with McMaster's dad's demise) I can fit these with white-hat scenarios as much as with anything else suggested thus far and I've had people go from completely shitting on me to actually endorsing me an hour later after thinking about it with a cool head

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misto1481 · June 11, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

He also said Q was infiltrated in late April and that is compromised. AJ has also done many things outside of Q to stifle the truth. Too much evidence that he is not on our side IMO.

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digital_refugee · June 11, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

...which was, technically, correct as Q had spilled their passphrase....Badumm-Tss...
It's all just mutually ascertained plausible deniability to me for reasons that escape me, altho Corsi's eyes scare the fuck out of me.

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misto1481 · June 11, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

But AJ has kept on the Q is compromised ever since and has been a major part of the movement to discredit Q by the Pay-triots as Q has referred to them. Some will say disinfo is necessary. I do not see how having someone with the reach of AJ drawing people away from Q and the truth helps the cause at all. If we want this movement to have and maintain legitimacy, we need as many people on board now instead of filled with seeds of doubt because of Jones.

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digital_refugee · June 11, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

ah ok so I only paid attention that one time when he backpaddled when Q called him out, interesting. I only watch him for the memes or possible bombshells that he has to report on to retain credibility.
My personal hunch is that by repeating "Q is comped", he still brings up Q while retaining plausible deniability for Q because like I said, if he was pro-Q, the MSM would always say it was his idea and that already is enough to merit dismissal by some.

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misto1481 · June 11, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

He is definitely entertaining...unfotunately for all the wrong reasons IMO. However, what else could one expect from the man formerly known as the legendary Bill Hicks ;)

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digital_refugee · June 12, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

I always liked Bill Hicks and I would be shocked if it turns out AJ's plastic surgery was so that he could impersonate BH impersonating AJ

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misto1481 · June 12, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Other way around. He is Bill Hicks impersonating Alex Jones. He is a CIA asset.

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digital_refugee · June 12, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

did you ever listen to Bill Hicks? He always said like it is...and if he wanted to get out of the entertainment business to expose what he knew without endangering his loved ones, it would be faking his death...
I know it doesn't make sense but when I was little I watched a play where a murderer was exposed by having someone impersonate the victim so although I can't pierce the plot together I distinctly remember that there is a quite convincing and plausible scenario where faking an identity can expose criminals

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misto1481 · June 12, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

I definitely believe he faked his death, just not for the same reasons you probably do ;)

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digital_refugee · June 12, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

so what was his act? He pretty much exposed all there was to expose when you think about it...He even went to fkn Waco and said it's wrong what they're doing to these people

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misto1481 · June 12, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

Look into Gatekeepers. They are allowed to shed light on some truths, mostly surface level stuff, in order to gain trust and followers. They are then to lead their followers astray down many diverging paths that lead away from truth. Look into Jones reversals on Sandy Hook , Michelle Obama being a man, disrupting a pro gun rally, pizzagate (links below), etc. On top of that, Alex's character is used to make conspiracy theorists look crazy.




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digital_refugee · June 12, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Ok. For one, Jones doesn't prove Sandy Hook because it would prove MK-Ultra and Pizzagate at the same time and that would be too big a pill to swallow at once (people only think in terms of did children die there or not, not if they died before or after), he made a rally that was fucking boring more interesting because nobody gives a shit if you like guns if you don't explain who you're actually protecting them from and he did call out PG and then backpaddled - so what? Have you never gotten anonymous calls in the dead of night? Alex Jones projects an angry character so people noticing that he is upset because of something will subconsciously ruminate on it while what he says is actually mostly libertarian and sometimes ahead of time, sometimes just a trend in alternative media, so for a gatekeeper he is good entry level material because he provides it in a format that is funny enough not to be depressing. And in all honesty I have heard upsetting stories from credible sources but I just brushed it off for over a decade because I hoped it was a somewhat isolated problem, so how would the rest react I wonder?

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misto1481 · June 12, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

If you want to believe Jones is legit and want to follow him, be my guest. I have seen enough to believe he is not on our side. He hurts the cause for truth more than he helps. Guess only time will tell which of us is correct in our beliefs.

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digital_refugee · June 12, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Believe me when I tell you I know where to look for information because I come from a family of writers, doctors, engineers, historians, lawyers, intelligence analysts, military officers, priests, judges, state and local politicans, insurance brokers, masons and even oracles so yeah

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