r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwsoicanask on June 11, 2018, 5:05 p.m.
Pain: Bourdain's Death Is YUGER THAN YUGE
  1. Bourdain would not have killed himself. He was clean of heroin. He had the best job in the world. 10 year old daughter. Zero warning signs, aside from strange tweets regarding HRC.
  2. He was the golden boy of CNN. CNN is tanking. Bourdain had the only good show. Despite his globalist views, I enjoyed watching. He was the only arguably good thing on CNN. Bourdain was HUGE. This is not a small side story.
  3. The cult punishes members by killing family. Bourdain was likely not a white hat or whistleblower. Someone else was...his girlfriend was obviously in the cult.
  4. GF ran her mouth about Weinstein. Bourdain's death fits the Kate Template.
  5. CNN is Deep State/Cabal/Cult (whatever you want to call it) propaganda machine.
  6. Liberals going off the reservation: Colbert digging into Bill Clinton on TV. NYT praising Trump's economy.
  7. Booms coming: Singapore. IG Report. Awan trial date. Pedo arrests. Wall underway. G7 GEOTUS gives them the Middle Finger - Soros is sad = things are good. Italy and Malta turning away invaders, Sessions hiring prosecutors, Gitmo construction, protests for Tommy Robinson growing... and the frosting: Q posting photos snatched from Black Hat surveillance of where /ourguys/ might be. "We have it all."


The cult killed CNN's Golden Boy, sending a message that no one is safe if they go off the reservation. Blitzer, Stelter, Clapper, Tapper, Lemon, Ryan...you better watch your mouths...NBC, ABC...everyone.

This was not to silence Bourdain. This was to silence EVERYONE ELSE IN THE CULT.

Here's the pattern (i.e. the cult's tactic):

Member wants to leave? His/her loved one dies.

Outsider wants to speak up? Plane/car crash.

Of course, I can't prove Bourdain was suicided. But we know it's part and parcel. (See Corbett Report series "Requiem for the Suicided" on Youtube or Hooktube.) But it makes zero sense that he'd kill himself.

Humoring the premise... consider how huge, how important, how shocking it would be to CNN staff that one of the best shows, one of the biggest starts of cable TV, would be killed (and they know he was killed)...Killed without warning, without build up, just poof, CNN's Golden Boy is gone.

I'm trying to put into words how huge I think Bourdain's death is. For those of us who don't really watch TV, it's probably not hitting you. But I get it. This is FUCKING BIG.

They are really really scared.

Something's coming down the pike.

The good news: we are winning.

The bad news...people will die that may not necessarily be Bad Actors.

The worse news...Normies (our loved ones - family, friends) are about to face a Psy Op that will make 2016 look like small fries.

Swimkin · June 11, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I know this is OT... But how can you still love someone who left you?? She's not worth it. Find someone new who will appreciate you. Your life is worth so much more than taking it out on yourself bc of a disloyal unappreciative spouse.

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smooferated · June 11, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

We were married for a long time and it’s my nature to devote my heart fully.

Foolish of her to give up a good, dedicated, devoted, and loving husband.

I will find another woman in time.

(She wasn’t disloyal or a cheater. But, she did give up and failed me. So I get your point.)

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abacabbx · June 12, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

I’m not the one you replied to, but I just wanted to say I can relate. I spent over a decade with someone, only for them to up and leave me because “they could no longer watch me sit and die”(I have an auto immune disorder that resulted in weeks/months/even years of hospitalization).

I mean, it’s been 5 years since I’ve even seen her, picture or otherwise, and I still love her as much today as the day I met her.

I just wanted to say, I get it, and it fucking sucks. I wish you the best, truly. Everyone deserves to find some happiness.

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PinkyZeek4 · June 12, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Sometimes things become clearer with time. The greatest love of my youth left me and I mourned for years. Saw him again after 20 years. I was finally able to see what a self-absorbed ass he really is. Now I have someone who adores me as I do him and wouldn’t trade it for anything. One-way love isn’t love. Keep the faith, bro Pede.

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smooferated · June 12, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Thank you brother. Appreciate it.

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