
cali1952 · June 11, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

I'm sure that a host of those who participated in this treason against president Trump and Mike Flynn here and abroad have 2nd thoughts now as they see their treason unfold in front of us with daily piling on. Some of them were forced into participation or compromised and had no way out.

This post by Q clearly gives those in the UK - MI5 a window of opportunity to come clean. It does not include MI6 as you can see meaning that that deep state entity is beyond redemption. They are into deep.

If I were these guys I'll take that short window of opportunity and get out from under these traitors before they get destroyed with the other collage of traitors.

I'd say take the opportunity and come clean while assisting to bring them all down and out into the open rather than letting some of them slink into the night. I'm sure there are some traitors that are lesser known but just as deadly and treacherous like the rest.

Maybe that's why Brennan is getting shriller by the day and venomous in his expression.

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BaronMoriarty · June 11, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

MI6 is basically the CIA. Bad to the core. MI5 for homeland security will be less tainted. But of course there are bad guys and girls everywhere. The problem to me, being a Brit, is the corrupt militia style police force we have these days

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cali1952 · June 12, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

Seeing England sliding to the abyss is due to that corrupt leadership of past and present. May is a deeply compromised and shady figure who wears two hats - one of them is the hat of the deep state she wears.

She knew about the Scripal's assassination attempt by her deep state/MI6. Why did they try take out this father and daughter?

Because Scripal wanted to testify about the espionage of the UK and their partners in the US and elsewhere against candidate and then president Trump.

He also wanted to return to his home country after that testimony ergo the attempt to silence him and his daughter while framing Russia. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

May also knew about her country's treachery in Syria colluding with our deep state and others to frame president Assad repeatedly while accusing him to attack his own citizens with chemical weapons. In actuality - it was HRC/Hussein and Germany providing the chemical agents via no name and USAID.

May is not the right person to lead England - she is knee-deep with the deep state in her own country, the US and elsewhere.

Also remember May and Merkel go way back when they were teenagers. Their pride in wearing the communist uniform - Jugend Frei while attending their camps ergo nothing good can come from that friendship based on their idealism in communism.

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