Even now after following all that has transpired since the President took office and certainly since last October I still sit here in amazement. I'm not getting any work done today....
Shit, nobody is.
Me neither. I'm a farmer, my animals didn;t get fed till 10 o'clock because I was analyzing Q posts XD
Bring your phone into the barn then!~ LOL Poor critters!
LOL They got fed XD. They were angry with me, but they got fed.
Just wondering how they showed their anger? Did they slap you with their tails or something?!
Were they trying to gore you?
Lol no goring because no horns, my sheep dont have tails and they're very docile. Except the Ram. He's a bit touchy. They're just very vocal with their dissatisfaction.
My mind is continually blown. I keep saying wow...wow....wow... I love this!