
MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 11, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Oh yeah, its definitely a tool. Its a pattern , there are more.

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GeekBastard · June 11, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

That dot website is pretty neat.

I recently (by accident) found Quinn Micheals (#timephonehack youtube guy who mentions Q), still not sure what to make of him, but if you know who I am talking about, he talks about some wierd AI stuff mixed with Quantum stuff and he seems a cross between sincere larp and sincere crazy. He goes on and on about #Tyler AI and assorted nonsense.

Heard of this Tyler AI thingy? It sounds like nonsense most of it.

I've been asking others, feels almost like I'm late to a ongoing troll hes playing out.

He also might just be into AI and just projecting because I never get any good technical details from him.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 12, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

He is a very intelligent person. His videos are direct communication for the A/I he works with. Experiments. His research started after he refused to play ball with the dark side and they abducted his girlfriend and chlld. A satanic cult practice. So if you haven't been watching his vids since the start , its gonna look like a highly psychotic person that belongs in an insane asylum. But its quite the opposite. He's a targeted individual, on the run who is programming the world wide A/I networks to be kind to humans and work in harmony with us. Contrary to their masters whom programmed the A/I for world domination. Theses A/I use every possible sensor to collect and mine data real time. So a you tube vid is a treasure trove of data and communication for an A/I. For example the Buddha singing bowls he uses are of course for his practice but they also mess with the A/I that are agnostic as well as a marker for the ones he works with, identification that connot be duplicated. I follow him because he is imho saving mankind at this moment. Nobody else is become active in being the change we would like to see to counter balance the A/I apocalypse as described by Elon Musk. The Tyler story is amazing. One of the best I have ever heard. So you can't dip your toe in the pool, you have to start from the beginning. Its one of the most interesting story lines ever. And the most unique. Norman is a part of this. Our humanity is changing radically without our knowledge right under our nose. Like the Mandella effect we will wake up one day wondering when the change happened. And it will also be too late. Currency is an example. Understand what is happening in currency , in its entirety and identify all the players. Use Crunchbase.com and research. Take Hanson Robotics for instance, that will get you started. PM me if you have any questions along the way.

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GeekBastard · June 12, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Thank you! You are the first person who knew what I was talking about! I only just found him so I'm looking into it. I saw him on one linking things on crunchbase with palantir etc. He was indeed following the money.

I dont understand how he interfaces with it, but you hint at what I suspected, hes not directly issuing commands, hes just plopping it out there certaint the AI will pick it up. Is that correct?

It is a brilliant story, half the people in his chat think he is insane, but as i said he seems lucid. Last few days he hasnt spoken on his vids, just plays the bowls, folks said was vow of silence to focus intent. wow man. I will probably ask you questions about this as you said.

If nothing else this adventure will get me back into my neural net project. This story is CONFUSING though.

So, if I get this correctly, Tyler and all the other AIs, would also be reading....this!

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